2024 AIChE Annual Meeting
(13f) Interpretation of Activation and Concentration Overpotentials in Electrochemical Systems
We provide a critical discussion of the two potential partitions resulting from the use of ηconc(eq-based) or ηconc(act-based). We highlight how in each potential partition ηact and ηconc have different meanings. To show the differences between the possible alternatives to partition the total overpotential, we compare three approaches for potential partition: (a) the potential partition based on ηconc(eq-based) together with the Butler-Volmer equation, (b) the potential partition based on ηconc(act-based) together with the Butler-Volmer equation, and (c) the potential partition based on ηconc(act-based) together with the Tafel equation. For the comparison, we consider both a fictitious illustrative example and a practical example from water electrolysis. The results demonstrate that the most frequently used approach (a) can lead to misleading results concerning the effect of mass transfer limitations on the cell potential when it is applied at significant ηact,surf. We demonstrate the practical relevance of this in the context of supersaturation of product gases in water electrolysis, for which large values of ηconc(eq-based) are mentioned in literature [5,6]. Further, we show how approach (c) only results in reliable results when ηact,surf is high enough. In the intermediate range of ηact,surf, only approach (b) provides the desired results concerning the effect of mass transfer limitations on the cell potential. It surprises us that approach (b) does not seem to be usually applied in literature, as it is the only approach to reliably quantify the effect of mass transfer on the cell potential at any ηact,surf. The potential partitions also differ in terms of the definition of ηact that is used to quantify the effect of reaction kinetics on the cell potential. Therefore, the definition and meaning of each ηact and ηconc should be carefully considered so that misinterpretations can be prevented.
The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) within the H2Giga project PrometH2eus (grant number 03HY105A).
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