2023 AIChE Annual Meeting

Probing Remodeling of Responsive Synthetic Extracellular Matrices with Nanoscale Characterization Techniques to Expand the 3D Cell Culture Toolbox

Engineered hydrogels are powerful tools capable of recapitulating biophysical and biochemical properties of the extracellular matrix (ECM) in different cellular microenvironments. Currently, two-dimensional (2D) cell culture on synthetic hydrogels is employed to study cellular response to environmental stimuli. However, such culture systems have limitations when simulating specific native microenvironments and related multidimensional cellular responses, for example, cell migration and proliferation. In this project, we utilize an on-demand externally and cellularly responsive hydrogel to probe cellular responses to dynamic stimuli events, with a focus on the application of nanoscale tools for examining changes in the mechanical properties of the cellular microenvironment. We apply atomic force microscopy (AFM) in conjunction with bulk rheometry to understand hydrogel mechanics from a local, nano level to a bulk level. The modulus of non-degraded hydrogels free of cells, hydrogels with cells encapsulated, and hydrogels that have been enzymatically degraded have been evaluated using both bulk rheometry and AFM. These measurements are then compared to each other to evaluate for differences seen in local and bulk mechanics of the hydrogel, in addition to various cellular analyses, such as immunostaining, to assess how the mechanics of the microenvironment influence cellular function and fate. Overall, this work demonstrates the potential to apply nano-level measurement, such as AFM, to evaluate the microenvironment response in more complex, engineered reductionist 3D cell culture microenvironments, and presents an opportunity to further correlate and compare the results of nano-level measurements with bulk-level measurements to modify and enhance existing mathematical models for nanoscale mechanical measurements.