2023 AIChE Annual Meeting

Parameters Optimization for Improved Catalytic Activity and Current Densities on Iron-Kudzu Based ORR Catalyst

The development of a novel kudzu biomass-derived catalyst for enhancing the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) is presented in this research. Leveraging kudzu, an invasive species and abundant carbon source, our approach offers an effective, sustainable and cost-effective alternative to precious platinum catalysts commonly employed in portable vehicles and stationary applications. The catalyst synthesis involves an optimized kudzu carbon precursor, iron salt, and nitrogen source. The carbon precursor incorporates an improved percentage of KetJenBlack, a unique electro-conductive carbon black material. Structural insights into the catalyst are obtained through scanning electron microscopy (SEM), elucidating the overall material structure. Catalytic performance is quantified through a Rotating Ring Disk Electrode Experiment (RRDE), allowing for the visualization and data collection of the onset potential in the redox reaction. This experiment is conducted in a 3-electrode cell using a 0.1M KOH electrolyte. The catalyst ink is deposited on a polytetrafluoroethylene-treated carbon working electrode until the desired loading is achieved. The study contributes to the advancement of sustainable catalysts with potential applications in energy storage devices.