2023 AIChE Annual Meeting

(701f) Process Development of a Piperidine Fragment for a Pipeline Asset: A Story Centered at the Interface of Carboxylation and Hydrogenation Chemistries


Griffin, J., Abbvie
Storer, G., AbbVie
Ellis, R., Abbvie
Galega, W., Stanford University
Henle, J., AbbVie
Richter, S., AbbVie
Harper, K., AbbVie
A multi-disciplinary group of Abbvie scientist share the development of a robust process for a piperidine fragment by transforming methylpyridine through a lithiation and contiguous non-cryogenic carboxylation, esterification, and hydrogenation chemistries with >90% yields for each individual stage.

While organometallic reagents are synthetically useful to generate new carbon-carbon bonds, their formation can pose practical concerns. For example, their pyrophoric nature mandates a high-level of rigoristic handling while the generation of high exotherms represent a higher risk during scale-up due to reduced specific surface areas. Flow chemistry examples are leveraged to improve safety and obtain more robust processing conditions.

Quenching organolithiates intermediates with CO2 is a rapid and highly exothermic process. Based upon the measured adiabatic temperature rise (ATR) of 80⁰C and heat of reaction (∆Hrxn) of 84.7 kJ, an uncontrolled temperature profile would pose a serious risk of thermal runaway and contribute to selectivity issues. To address these areas several reaction modalities were evaluated, including impinging jets and super critical CO­2 to improve CO2 availability. While the latter modality was a successful proof-of-concept, current scale-up capabilities favored reverse quenching of organolithiate intermediate with CO2 which produce excellent yields and purity for a wide operational range at a pilot plant scale.

The esterification of the carboxylate salt was a low-risk reaction that leads to our regulatory starting material (RSM), a pyridinium salt, which must meet 99.9 PA% purity by HPLC. The RSM was hydrogenated in a flow configuration with a Trickled Packed Bed (TPB) reactor achieving excellent purity and yields. A robust process was achieved by optimizing metal-support, metal loadings, pressure, and temperature.

Overall, the formation of the organolithiate starting material and subsequent reactions and respective isolations helped achieve a piperidine product purity of 99.5% that was used with other fragments to produce our pipeline asset.