2023 AIChE Annual Meeting
(615g) A Systematic Algorithm to Compute Hazardous Area Extent for Two-Phase Releases Based on an Improved Low-Dimensional (simple) Dispersion Model
Understanding the mechanism of cloud dispersion is fundamental as it defines the properties needed for the determination of the hazardous area extent. In some situations, the material released to the environment can only partially vaporizes, giving rise to a two-phase flow system where the liquid breaks up into fine droplets producing an aerosol cloud, whose behavior in the atmosphere affects dispersion distances. This complex system is the result of such phenomena as expansion of the material released to ambient pressure, liquid atomization to form the aerosol cloud, and (possibly) rainout of liquid droplets. The use of rigorous mathematical models capable of describing these processes appears as a reliable alternative to empirical criteria described in specific standards (Lacome et al., 2021). In fact, the use of standardized diagrams, such as those found in the IEC 60079-10-1 (IEC, 2015) and in the API RP 505 (API, 2018) standards, can produce dubious results due to the oversizing of the classified areas, increasing the cost of the project and sometimes creating a false impression of safety.
Suppose that a liquefied gas contained in a control volume is discharged through a small diameter orifice and that it partially evaporates, giving rise to a two-phase jet, as illustrated in Figure 1. The escaping liquid is subjected to a sudden decrease in pressure resulting in the formation of a jet of vapor laden with droplets. Previous studies (Calay & Holdo, 2008; Fauske & Epstein, 1988; Fthenakis, 1993; Johnson & Diener, 1991; Polanco Piñerez, 2008) showed that the configuration of this release basically depends on the conditions of the jet at the orifice outlet (plane âeâ), at the end of the expansion region (plane âfâ), and after the total evaporation of the droplets (plane âjâ).
The proposed systematic algorithm designed to compute the extent of hazardous areas for two-phase releases as per Figure 1 above is better depicted as the flowchart of Figure 2. Application of the algorithm to important experimental test cases available in the open literature produced the following results shown in Figure 3, considering the models without and with the important modification mentioned above. The isopleth, i.e., the line connecting points of equal concentration around the cloud boundary (Crowl & Louvar, 2019) are depicted in Figure 4 along with the volumes at different measures of the LFL (lower flammability limit). As seen from the above results, those improvements resulted in a simple model that fitted well to measured temperature profiles. It is therefore believed that the algorithm can compute hazardous extent, volume, and shape of the resulting dispersions with satisfactory accuracy.
API, A. P. I. (2018). API RP 505 - Recommended Practice for Classification of Locations for Electrical Installations at Petroleum Facilities Classified as Class I, Zone 0, Zone 1, and Zone 2.
Calay, R. K., & Holdo, A. E. (2008). Modelling the dispersion of flashing jets using CFD. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 154(1â3), 1198â1209. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhazmat.2007.11.053
Crowl, D., & Louvar, J. F. (2019). Chemical Process Safety: Fundamentals with Applications (4th edition). Pearson.
Fauske, H. K., & Epstein, M. (1988). Source term considerations in connection with chemical accidents and vapour cloud modelling. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 1(2), 75â83. https://doi.org/10.1016/0950-4230(88)80016-0
Fthenakis, V. M. (1993). Prevention and Control of Accidental Releases of Hazardous Gases. John Wiley & Sons Inc.
IEC, I. E. C. (2015). IEC 60079-10-1/Ed:2, 2015, Explosive atmospheres â Part 10-1: Classification of areas â Explosive gas atmospheres.
Johnson, D. W., & Diener, R. (1991). Prediction of aerosol formation from the release of pressurized, superheated liquids to the atmosphere. Hazards XI - European Advances in Process Safety, Symposium Series 124, 87â104.
Lacome, J., Lemofack, C., Jamois, D., Reveillon, J., Duret, B., & Demoulin, F. (2021). Experimental data and numerical modeling of flashing jets of pressure liquefied gases. Process Safety Progress, 40(1). https://doi.org/10.1002/prs.12151
Polanco Piñerez, G. C. (2008). Phase change within flows from breaches of liquefied gas pipelines [Thesis]. Coventry University.