2023 AIChE Annual Meeting
(548g) Unifying CO2 Capture and Utilization through Process Modeling: Sensitivity Analysis of Process Performance on Bifunctional Materials in a Single Bed Reactor
Moinee, A. A. - Presenter, Missouri University of Sciece and Technology
Rezaei, F., Missouri S&T
Fischer-Tropsch to olefin process (FTO) coupled with the reverse water gas shift reaction (RWGS) offers a compelling pathway to directly convert captured CO2 into valuable light olefins while mitigating greenhouse gas emissions. In our study, we explored an integrated approach using a single plant with an integrated adsorber and reactor, compared to a separated system with distinct capture and utilization units. CO2-containing flue gas from a 500 MW power plant serves as the carbon source for the process. The CO2 undergoes adsorptive capture and hydrogenation reactions to produce light olefins via FTO. A comprehensive sensitivity analysis is conducted to evaluate the process performance indicators (PPIs) for both the unified adsorber-reactor system and the separated system. Various operational parameters, material properties, and downstream treatment units are considered in this analysis, including pressure, temperature, H2/CO2 molar ratio, catalyst and adsorbent activity, deactivation rate, and heat integration. The results reveal the superior performance of the integrated adsorber-reactor process in terms of PPIs, highlighting its enhanced cost-effectiveness and efficiency compared to the separated system, which relies on separate PSA units for capture and hydrogenation. By focusing on the sensitivity analysis, this study provides valuable insights into optimizing the CO2 conversion process, emphasizing the significance of the integration in achieving improved overall performance.