2023 AIChE Annual Meeting
(501h) Thermodynamics of Anionic Iodine Species Under Interlayer-Confinement in Layered Double Hydroxides
Wu, D. - Presenter, Washington State University
Hawkins, M., Washington State University
Sun, H., East China University of Science and Technology
Zhang, X., Washington State University
Xu, H., Arizona State University
Hammond-Pereira, E., Washington State University
Saunders, S., Washington State University
Guo, X., Washington State University
The thermodynamics of nano and subnano-scale confinement phenomena govern the functionality and stability of materials in multiple chemical engineering processes, ranging from heterogeneous catalysis, and separation, to energy storage in composite materials for a more sustainable future. In this talk, I summarize our most recent studies on the thermodynamics of ionic iodine species under interlayer-confinement or intercalation within layered double hydroxides (NiM-LDH, M = Al, Cr and Fe). For all these 2D layered sorbents, thermodynamics has a crucial role in the governance of the intrinsic stability of the materials, determination of the site-specific guest - host interactions at the heterogeneous surfaces, and in the identification of nanoscale or even subnano-scale material structures at the interfaces and the macroscale material functionalities in applications.