2023 AIChE Annual Meeting
(448a) A High-Performance Numerical Library for Solving Population Balance Equations for Crystallization Processes
The central idea of this work is to reduce the computational expense of solving PBEs by developing a C++ dynamic shared library known as OpenPBM with application potential for cooling, antisolvent, and combined cooling-antisolvent crystallization processes. The numerical algorithms within the library for solving PBEs stem from the high-resolution finite volume method (HRFVM)5, which can deal with various mechanisms like primary and secondary nucleation, growth, dissolution, agglomeration, and breakage. An optimal mesh adaption strategy6 is applied to streamline and relocate the grid point in the simulation to retain the maximum resolution by avoiding numerical diffusion. In order to further reduce the overhead of each iteration and ensure the positivity of the solution, an adaptive time step scheme is used by considering the CourantâFriedrichsâLewy conditions that consider both growth rate and change of number density due to the agglomeration or breakage. Further, a parallel computing structure is used to improve the hardware's central processing unit scheduling.
This work divides the discussions of the library's numerical efficiency and accuracy into several parts. First, the computational performance between variational mesh adaption schemes is examined through case studies of crystallization processes by changing the monitor functions that evaluate the arduousness of numerical approximation on the physical domain or the numerical algorithms for the iterations. Second, through different case studies, the numerical accuracy of the library is compared with other numerical techniques, such as the standard method of moments and the quadrature method of moments. Last, the library's run time and relative errors under different scenarios are compared with the HRFVM with linear grids to demonstrate the benefits of using this library for model-based design in crystallization processes.
Funding from Takeda Pharmaceuticals International Co. is gratefully acknowledged.
1. Mannakee, B. K., Ragsdale, A. P., Transtrum, M. K., & Gutenkunst, R. N. (2016). Sloppiness and the geometry of parameter space. Uncertainty in Biology: A Computational Modeling Approach, 271-299
2. Vetter, T., Burcham, C. L., & Doherty, M. F. (2014). Attainable regions in crystallization processes: their construction and the influence of parameter uncertainty. In Computer Aided Chemical Engineering (Vol. 34, pp. 465-470). Elsevier.
3. Chen, B. H., Bermingham, S., Neumann, A. H., Kramer, H. J., & Asprey, S. P. (2004). On the design of optimally informative experiments for dynamic crystallization process modeling. Industrial & engineering chemistry research, 43(16), 4889-4902.
4. Fysikopoulos, D., Benyahia, B., Borsos, A., Nagy, Z. K., & Rielly, C. D. (2019). A framework for model reliability and estimability analysis of crystallization processes with multi-impurity multi-dimensional population balance models. Computers & Chemical Engineering, 122, 275-292.
5. Gunawan, R., Fusman, I., & Braatz, R. D. (2004). High resolution algorithms for multidimensional population balance equations. AIChE Journal, 50(11), 2738-2749.
6. Huang, W., & Russell, R. D. (2010). Adaptive moving mesh methods (Vol. 174). Springer Science & Business Media.