2023 AIChE Annual Meeting
(436a) Novel Wet Adhesives Derived from Vibrio Cholerae Biofilm Adhesins for Industrial and Biomedical Applications
In a serendipitous discovery on Vibrio cholerae biofilm adhesins, we discovered a sequence of 57-amino acids (57-aa) with unique characteristics that is the major contributor to Vibrio cholerae adhesion to various abiotic surfaces, including glass and plastics, and biotic surfaces including lipid membranes. We developed and conducted multiple biochemical and biophysical in vitro characterization methods, such as fluorescence-based microbeads adsorption assay and bead-based AFM adhesion assay, to quantitatively demonstrate the potential of the 57-aa as a wet adhesive. By varying length and sequences derived from the origin 57-aa sequence and modifying the surface chemistry, we identified key parameters, including positive charge, aromaticity, cooperativity and linkers connecting the repeating motifs that influence the surface adhesion ability of the 57-aa sequence. We constructed corresponding Vibrio cholerae mutants and tested their adhesion performance in biofilm settings, and collaborated with simulation groups to develop a data-explaining theory. After establishing a generic model for the 57-aa adhesion mechanism, we engineered for better wet adhesives based on the underlying science.
In conclusion, we demonstrate that a sequence of 57-aa derived from Vibrio cholerae and its variations could be used as bioactive glues to adhere to surfaces with different chemistries under the water. Our findings could pave the way for developing more effective wet adhesives with a broad range of applications.