2023 AIChE Annual Meeting
(337ay) Wastewater As a Resource: Using Photocatalysis to Treat WW and Produce Synthetic Fuel Precursors
Pal, R. - Presenter, University of Michigan
Research Interests:
- Design new catalysts for enhanced photo-absorption and electron transfer kinetics to facilitate faster redox reactions.
- Structural, chemical and opto-electronic characterization of optimize catalyst performance.
- Environmental application of visible-light photocatalysts in removing trace micropollutants such as heterocyclic aromatics from industrial wastewater.
- Photodegradation product identification by determining thermochemically favorable reaction pathways.
- Catalytic gasification of biosorbed polycyclic aromatic compounds for Fischer-Tropsch reactant production.
I have several publications in progress to support the above stated research interests. Additionally, I have research expertise in the following analytical/chemical/analysis techniques:
- Spectroscopy: Optical, UV-Vis, Synchrotron, X-ray and NMR/EPR.
- Material characterization: XPS, XRD, XRF, FTIR, BET, SEM/TEM, DSC and ICP-OES.
- Electrochemical characterization: Cyclic voltammetry, Mott-Schottky, Impedance Spectroscopy, Chronoamperometry, Photo-electrochemical Current and Polarisation Resistance measurements.
- Separations technique: GC-MS/TCD/FID, LC-MS/UV/RI, Nanofiltration and Accelerated Solvent Extraction(ASE).
- Data analytics: Parametric and non-parametric modelling, Time series analysis, Machine learning models and Quantum Mechanical modelling (DFT, MD)