2023 AIChE Annual Meeting
(244a) Investigation of Advanced Catalysts and Metal Oxide Supports Having Nanoporous Structures Towards Oxygen Evolution Reaction in Proton Exchange Membrane Water Electrolyzer
In this presentation, the effect of the porous structure generated inside the OER catalyst and the metal oxide support on the activity toward OER will be discussed. To produce a nanoporous structure, hard templates such as an ordered mesoporous silica (OMS) [5], a silica nanosphere [6], and a polystyrene nanosphere are adapted. For example, a three-dimensional mesoporous IrO2/RuO2 catalyst was prepared by sequential nano-replication using OMS and the Adams method [5]. The effects of the structural changes of the binary oxide catalyst on the OER activity were analyzed. As the second example, to generate the concave pore structure inside the OER catalyst, silica nanospheres of different sizes were used to induce the formation of the larger mesopores over 10 nm and macropores. The macarpore-dominat OER catalyst showed improved activity and stability. In addition, the generation of the porous structure inside the metal oxide support will be discussed to emphasize the benefit of this approach.
[1] IRENA âInnovation Landscape Brief: Renewable Power-to-Hydrogenâ, International Renewable Energy Agency, Abu Dhabi, 2019 at www.irena.org/publications.
[2] M. Bernt, A. Siebel, H. A. Gasteiger, J. Electrochem. Soc., 165 (2018) F305.
[3] S. W. Lee, C. Baik, D.-H. Kim, C. Pak, J. Power Sources, 493 (2021) 229689.
[4] S. Zhao, A. Stocks, B. Rasimick, K. More, H. Xu, J. Electrochem. Soc., 165 (2018) F82.
[5] S. W. Lee, C. Baik, T.-Y. Kim, C. Pak, Catal. Today, 352 (2020) 39.
[6] C. Baik, S. W. Lee, C. Pak, Micropo. Mesopo. Mater., 309 (2020) 110567.