2023 AIChE Annual Meeting
(206d) Deciding Which Equality Constraints to Eliminate in Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Programs for Deterministic Global Optimization
(1) Bongartz D, Najman J, Sass S, Mitsos A. MAiNGO: McCormick based Algorithm for mixed integer Nonlinear Global Optimization. Process Systems Engineering (AVT. SVT), RWTH Aachen University 2018:1-7; Available at: http://permalink.avt.rwth-aachen.de/?id=729717.
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(4) Mitsos A, Chachuat B, Barton PI. McCormick-Based Relaxations of Algorithms. SIAM Journal on Optimization 2009 Jan 1,;20(2):573-601.
(5) Tsoukalas A, Mitsos A. Multivariate McCormick relaxations. Journal of Global Optimization 2014 Jul 1,;59(2-3):633-662.
(6) Smith EMB, Pantelides CC. A symbolic reformulation/spatial branch-and-bound algorithm for the global optimisation of nonconvex MINLPs. Computers & Chemical Engineering 1999 May 1,;23(4):457-478.
(7) Bongartz D, Mitsos A. Deterministic global optimization of process flowsheets in a reduced space using McCormick relaxations. Journal of Global Optimization 2017 Dec 1,;69(4):761-796.
(8) Schweidtmann AM, Mitsos A. Deterministic Global Optimization with Artificial Neural Networks Embedded. Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 2019 Mar 1,;180(3):925-948.
(9) Tawarmalani M, Sahinidis NV. A polyhedral branch-and-cut approach to global optimization. Mathematical Programming 2005 Jun 1,;103(2):225-249.
(10) Kılınç MR, Sahinidis NV. Exploiting integrality in the global optimization of mixed-integer nonlinear programming problems with BARON. Optimization Methods & Software 2018 May 4,;33(3):540-562.
(11) Misener R, Floudas CA. ANTIGONE: Algorithms for coNTinuous / Integer Global Optimization of Nonlinear Equations. Journal of Global Optimization 2014 Jul 1,;59(2-3):503-526.
(12) Bestuzheva K, Chmiela A, Müller B, Serrano F, Vigerske S, Wegscheider F. Global Optimization of Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Programs with SCIP 8. 2023 Jan 2; Available at: https://arxiv.org/abs/2301.00587.
(13) Vigerske S. MINLPLib: A Library of Mixed-Integer and Continuous Nonlinear Programming Instances. 2018; Available at: https://minlplib.org/index.html.