2023 AIChE Annual Meeting
(197aw) ML-SAFT: A Machine Learning Framework for PCP-SAFT Parameter Prediction
In this work, we develop ML-SAFT, a framework for predicting parameters of the PCP-SAFT EoS using machine learning.[11, 12] We were interested in the PCP-SAFT EoS because it can be used for a wide variety of thermodynamic prediction tasks including vapor liquid equilibrium,[11] solubility,[13] and surface tension,[14] yet each new molecule needs to be parametrized by regression to experimental data. To enable training of machine learning models, ML-SAFT includes the largest database of regressed PCP-SAFT parameters published in the literature (969 molecules) and a set of machine learning models trained on this dataset. We extract data from the Dortmund Databank[15] and develop a robust regression method to determine pure component PCP-SAFT parameters from experimental vapor pressure and liquid density data. Within ML-SAFT, we train random forests,[16] feed forward networks and message passing neural networks (MPNNs)[17] to predict the regressed PCP-SAFT parameters.
Our results show that random forests obtain the most accurate predictions of the regressed PCP-SAFT parameters. Furthermore, the best prediction of vapor pressure in terms of the average absolute deviation percentage (% AAD) on unseen molecules is obtained from the random forest. However, the best results on density predictions are obtained with parameters predicted by a MPNN. We attribute this difference to the increased representation capability of the MPNN for polar molecules, which we find to be important for density predictions. We also compare ML-SAFT models to two existing predictive PCP-SAFT models: SEPP[4] and group contribution PC-SAFT.[2] We find that ML-SAFT makes accurate predictions for a wider range of molecules than both methods while maintaining computational efficiency.
Overall, our work demonstrates that machine learning is a powerful tool for PCP-SAFT parameter prediction. We foresee that the results shown in this work can form a baseline for future work that explores multi-component mixture predictions using PCP-SAFT.
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