2023 AIChE Annual Meeting
(165f) Solving Mixed-Integer Linear and Quadratic Programs Using Quantum Computing
However, not all optimization problems can directly be solved using QC in their original form. The current generation of quantum hardware requires that the problem of interest be transformed into equivalent forms that are suitable for Quantum annealing, such as the Ising model or quadratic unconstrained binary optimization (QUBO) model [10]. Also, due to the physical nature of QC, as well as the current limitation in quantum hardware, it is not possible to embed constraints, nor efficiently optimize over the continuous domain. This is problematic since most process systems engineering problems of real importance, such as sustainable process synthesis and intensification often involve solving mixed-integer quadratic or mixed-integer nonlinear programs (MINLP) [11] containing both continuous and discrete decisions with many constraints. Current approaches to solving such mixed-integer problems involve hybrid classical-quantum optimization techniques [12]. Such techniques involve decomposing the original problem into a master subproblem involving integer decisions and a nonlinear subproblem involving only continuous decisions. While these hybrid approaches can solve mixed-integer problems, they do not utilize the full potential of QC. To address this issue, we have devised a framework for directly solving mixed-integer linear and quadratic programs using QC platforms. This involves representing continuous variables as a set of binary variables and using this reformulation to transform the problem into a single QUBO-type problem, which can be directly solved using quantum annealing. By eliminating the need for hybrid schemes that require solving continuous subproblems using classical solvers, this approach fully utilizes the potential of QC. We have tested this approach on a variety of problems, including material design and pooling problems, with good agreement with solutions obtained using deterministic solvers. We have also extended this approach to solve mixed-integer quadratically constrained quadratic programs (MIQCQP) using QC alone, with several encoding methods explored and compared for efficacy in improving solution quality and computation time.
Keywords: Quantum optimization, Quantum computing, Quantum annealing, QUBO, Mixed-integer, MIQP, MIQCQP, Material design, Pooling problems.
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