2023 AIChE Annual Meeting

(152bj) Multi-Ligand Hybrid Approach to Tailoring Zeolite Imidazolate Frameworks for Highly CO2-Selective Mixed Matrix Membranes


An, H. - Presenter, Sogang University
Lee, J. S., Sogang University
Polymeric membranes incorporated with dispersed nanofillers, called mixed matrix membranes (MMMs), are considered to be the next-generation gas separation membranes owing to their excellent separation performance. In this presentation, I will discuss a multi-ligand hybrid approach to fabricating highly CO2-selective zeolitic imidazolate framework (ZIF) nanofillers. Our newly developed ZIF nanofillers, called a triple ligand, amine modulated ZIF-8 (TAZIF-8), were made by coordinating zinc metal ions with three different organic ligands, including 2-methylimidazole (Mim), tributylamine (TBA), and 3-amino-1,2,4-triazole (Atz) via post-synthetic modification. The Zn-Mim coordination contributes to retain an open porous sodalite topology, while the Zn-TBA analog provides high processability. Lastly, the Zn-Atz coordination enables CO2-selective permeation through a combination of enhanced size discrimination and specific interactions. A flat sheet 6FDA-DAM/TAZIF-8 (40 wt%) MMM exhibits an almost threefold increase in CO2 permeability and a twofold increase in CO2 selectivity over other light gases (N2, CO, or CH4) compared to the 6FDA-DAM membrane [1]. In addition, I will discuss a scalable fabrication method for defect-free TAZIF-8 mixed matrix hollow fiber membranes (MMHFMs) using a dip coating process. The effect of different process variables on the structure and separation performance of the resulting MMHFMs is investigated with the analysis of the dual-stage CO2 capture process using different MMHFMs.


This research was supported by the C1 Gas Refinery Program through the National Research Foundation of Kore (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Science and ICT (Project No. 2019M3D3A1A01069101) and supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) grant funded by the Korea government (MSIT) (Project No. RS-2023-00214333).