2022 Annual Meeting
Fluorescence-Based Stopped Flow Analysis of mRNA-Lnp Degradation Kinetics
This project used a stopped-flow device in conjunction with fluorescence spectrometry to obtain accurate kinetic parameters for LNP degradation. mRNA-LNPs were formed by mixing mRNA with a combination of lipids (ionizable lipid, cholesterol, lipid-anchored PEG, and a helper lipid). The mRNA-LNP solution was then combined with a buffer solution containing surfactant, which solubilizes the LNPs, and RiboGreen, a fluorescent dye which stains the mRNA upon their release from the LNPs. These solutions were mixed within a stopped flow apparatus inside a UV-Vis spectrophotometer, which allowed for measurement of fluorescence changes in real time as the LNPs were rapidly solubilized. This experiment was performed with two different LNP formulations (with and without PEG), two different surfactants (Triton X-100 and 12/8/1/0 [a wormlike micelle buffer]), and various surfactant concentrations.
Each experiment produced a fluorescence vs time curve which was linearized via a logarithmic transformation, from which three distinct kinetic constants could be determined. The time for complete LNP degradation was 10-20 seconds for all experiments, which is roughly the same time frame as is seen in similar CE-based stability assays. Comparing the average first kinetic constant (k1) from each set of experiments, no significant difference was found between the normal and modified LNPs when mixed with the 12/8/1/0 buffer. However, in the Triton X-100 experiments, k1 was found to be significantly lower for the modified PEG-less LNPs than for the normal LNPs, which makes sense based on the role of PEG in LNP formation. Overall, we can conclude that stopped flow fluorescence spectroscopy can be used as a quick, effective assay of mRNA-LNP stability and degradation time.