2022 Annual Meeting
(732i) Modelling for Optimal Operation of Modular Integrated Methane Dehydroaromatization Process
This work aims to develop a dynamic model for the modular integrated dehydroaromatization process
that can describe the operating space by elucidating the process dynamics using a restricted set of process information. A novel iterative modeling framework is proposed that integrates active learning principles with state estimation techniques [6, 7, 8]. The iterative modeling framework consists of an integrated model development step for optimal dynamic experiment design and a state estimator to estimate the restricted information in the process of interest [9, 10]. This approach will allow us to learn the integrated process model iteratively through experimentation, even when the availability of process data is restricted. These models will be used to develop safe and optimal process operation strategies.
As a first step, an integrated model is being developed for the process of interest to design optimal
experiments and develop a state estimator. A stand-alone process model developed for DHA, CL, and TSA, as advection-diffusion-reaction partial differential equations, were numerically simulated using the method of lines. The verified stand-alone process models are being integrated, considering material re-circulation in semi-batch operation, using a simultaneous modeling approach incorporating a singular perturbation technique to obtain the solution [9]. Later, state estimators will be developed to extract information and update the integrated process model to design the experiments.
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