2022 Annual Meeting
(712f) How Does Foldamer Side Chain Entropy Affect Folding Cooperativity?
We hypothesize that in 2-state folding systems, cooperativity is determined solely by the entropy difference between folded and unfolded states. This relation arises from a definition of cooperativity as the temperature derivative of the populations of folded or unfolded states at the melting point. The entropy change-cooperativity relationship can be directly compared in systems with different topologies and force field parameters in the event that the potential energy difference between folded and unfolded states and the melting point are the same across all models. In this work, we design such a set of homo-oligomer helix foldamer systems differing in residue side chain topology, including number of side chain beads, torsion potentials, and rotational degrees of freedom. Guided by a helix geometrical modeling tool, we designed side chain motifs leading to optimal packing in the folded state, and extended high-entropy configurations in the unfolded state. Energetic parameters are tuned to meet the equal potential energy change criteria in a series of REMD simulations and subsequent configurational resampling using MBAR. We then compare trends in the entropy of folding with alternative measures of cooperativity, including the characteristic width of the transition region in the native contact fraction versus temperature curve, and the full-width half-maximum of the heat capacity curve. Finally, we apply this analysis to non-helical structural motifs to demonstrate its broad applicability, such as stable homo-oligomer molecular knots we discovered previously.
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