2022 Annual Meeting
(649g) Multi-Concentration CO2 Capture at a 0.7 MWe Post-Combustion Pilot Plant
While the flue gas generated at the plant from coal will typically have CO2 concentrations at ~12-14%, to mimic conditions for capture from natural-gas plants, the process was modified in recent studies where the flue gas was diluted with a stream of ambient air to about 4% CO2 inlet concentration and process conditions set to obtain a capture efficiency of at least 90%. A comparative analysis of steam requirements and regeneration energy of the solvent will be presented. The University of Kentucky (UK) CO2 capture technology is applicable to any second-generation advanced solvent and to a wide range of CO2 concentrations such as for coal-fired or natural gas plants with specific conditions required to maximize solvent performance (e.g., lean and rich loading ranges), heat exchange in the process to minimize energy requirements. The differences in the extent of reactions for the different inlet CO2 concentrations and solvent circulation rates in the absorber for example, affect heat release in the absorber resulting in varied temperature profiles, will be discussed and related to the impacts and effectiveness of intercooling for the different conditions.