2022 Annual Meeting
(624h) Optimization Under Uncertainty with Bayesian Hybrid Models
yi = η(xi; θ) + δ(xi; Ï) + εi
Here, observation yi is modeled with three components: a white-box model η(·,·) with global parameters θ and inputs xi for experiment i, a stochastic discrepancy function δ(·), and random measurement error ε â¼ N(0, IÏ2).
In this presentation, we compare these Bayesian hybrid models to black-box and glass-box alternatives in the context of chemical kinetics modeling and reactor optimization. Using a complex series reaction, we demonstrate how hybrid models overcome systematic bias introduced by a reduced order kinetic model to correctly predict the operating temperature and reaction time of an objective function of the intermediate (desired) product yield. Pragmatically, the hybrid model enables reaction engineering decision-making for reactor design and optimization despite model inadequacy. We conclude by discussing stochastic programming formulations to facilitate optimization under uncertainty considering both aleatoric uncertainty obtained from the posterior of Bayesian parameter estimation and epistemic uncertainty quantified by Gaussian Processes in the KOH model[13].
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