2022 Annual Meeting
(601d) Development and Optimization of Poly(vinyl) Alcohol-Alginate Hydrogel Beads for Immobilization of Rhodococcus Rhodochrous ATCC 21198 and Slow-Release Compounds
Materials and Methods: Design of experiments, specifically a central composite orthogonal (CCO) design, was used to identify the cross linking time and concentrations of PVA and Alg that maximized the Youngâs modulus and minimized the oxygen consumption rates at days 1 and 30. ATCC 21198 and TBOS were immobilized in PVA-Alg beads with tcrosslink = [30 - 120] min, CPVA = [1 - 3] % (w/v), and CAlg = [1 - 2] % (w/v). Beads were formed by dropping polymer solutions through a syringe needle into a crosslinking solution of 3 % (w/v) boric acid and 1.5 % (w/v) CaCl2. Beads were placed into batch reactors and spiked with 250 ppb cDCE at days 1 and 30. cDCE and oxygen were measured with gas chromatography and rates were determined using zero-order kinetic models. Compression tests were performed to calculate the Youngâs Modulus, E.
Results and Discussion: Overall, the Youngâs moduli decreased (Fig 1.A) and the cDCE consumption rates increased after 30 days (Fig 1.B) due to cell growth in hydrogel beads. Oxygen rates also decreased (Fig 1.C), indicating high initial hydrolysis rates of TBOS. We successfully fit predictive models of Youngâs modulus and hydrolysis as functions of crosslinking time and polymer concentrations and found that all three input variables had significant interactions with each other as well as significant effects on the output variables. These models were then used to identify the bead formulation that maximized stiffness and minimized hydrolysis rates.
Conclusion and Future Directions: DOE has been employed to identify the optimum hydrogel properties to promote long-term stability of hydrogel beads for bioremediation via immobilized cells. Future studies will focus on the polymer chain entanglement density and molecular weight of PVA, and cell growth based on the concentration and type of SRC.