2022 Annual Meeting

(580c) Syngas Quality Improvement through ZSM-5 Supported Iron Oxide Oxygen Carrier in Chemical Looping Gasification of Biomass with Enhanced Conversion and CO2 Capture


Khajeh, A. - Presenter, North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State Un
Naeimi, H., North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University
Wang, L., North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University
Shahbazi, A., North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University
Increasing concerns over global warming and climate change resulted from arising greenhouse gas emissions have motivated research and industrial societies to utilize alternative clean and green energy sources to encounter the energy demands in all sectors of agriculture, industry, and transportation. Biomass that is originated from plants or animal wastes is one of abundant renewable resources and has been considered as a major energy source by 2035. Biomass gasification is considered as one of crucial biomass utilization strategies to produce syngas that is a fuel gas mixture rich in CO and H2. Chemical looping gasification (CLG) is the thermochemical conversion technique that benefits from the use of lattice oxygen in an oxygen carrier such as metal oxides as a gasifying agent to avoid direct contact between fuel and air. In this work, the performance of ZSM-5 supported iron oxide oxygen carrier at its oxidized state in CLG of biomass for the improvement of syngas quality and in-situ CO2 removal based on the characteristics including porosity, metal dispersion and acidity has been investigated. ZSM-5 has a high affinity for the CO2 molecule, which occurs between the quadrupole moment of CO2 and the electric field of ZSM-5. Our research showed that the increase in iron oxide loading on ZSM-5 reduced the carbon conversion. However, compared to the slight suppression on CO and CH4, the CO2 has much more decrease if the iron oxide loading increases from %15 to %25. This can be caused by higher capacity of CO2 adsorption resulted from the increase basic sites in Fe2O3/ZSM-5.