2022 Annual Meeting

(536d) A Comparative Evaluation of Ca-Based Wastes for a Oxy-Fuel Circulating Fluidized Bed Combustor


Park, H. J., Jeonbuk National University
Sohn, J. M., Chonbuk National University
Jung, C. S., Jeonbuk National University
Jeong, S. M., Chungbuk National University
Limestone (CaCO3) particles are used for SO2 absorbants or CO2 carriers for various circulating fluidized bed (CFB) processes, such as oxy-fuel combustion, CO2 capture process, and chemical looping hydrogen reactors. In oxy-fuel combustions, limestone directly injected into CFB risers combines with SO2 to produce calcium sulfate (CaSO4) via direct desulfurization reaction or indirect desulfurization reaction. In this study, Ca-based wastes such as eggshells or seashells was investigated as the alternatives of limestone particles. Since the loop-seal in oxy-fuel CFB processes is generally operated under CO2 rich conditions, calcined Ca-based wastes are exposed to high CO2 partial pressure conditions through the recirculation section for an extended period and re-injected into the riser as recarbonated wastes. To evaluate the usage of Ca-based wastes for oxy-fuel CFB combustions, their reactivities of calcination, recarbonization, and direct desulfurization were studied in a thermogravity analyzer (TGA) under oxy-fuel combustion conditions. Also, the morphological changes of Ca-based wastes were evaluated using XRD, FE-SEM, and other analysis methods. The TGA experiments show that recarbonation contributes to CaSO4 conversion. Increasing the desulfurization efficiency using recarbonation can reduce the fixed investment and operating costs of oxy-fuel CFB plants because only desulfurization in the furnace is able to meet SO2 emission regulations or lower the flue gas desulfurization (FGD) dependence.