2022 Annual Meeting

(532dz) A New Correlation for Pressure Drop through Unbounded Randomly Packed Beds of Spherical Catalyst Particles over the Entire Range of Reynolds Number


Dixon, A. - Presenter, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Pressure drop in fixed bed reactors has been studied for over a century and many conflicting correlations exist in the literature. Contributing factors to this disagreement include the use of particles of different shapes, the presence of wall effects in beds of low tube-to-particle diameter ratio (N) and parameter fitting over limited ranges of modified Reynolds number Rem=ρvdp/μ(1-ε). To avoid these problems, we restricted attention to perfect spheres in unbounded (high-N) random-packed beds. A new asymptote-based correlation based on data for extremely high Rem and new particle-resolved computational fluid dynamics (PRCFD) results for extremely low Rem is presented.

The equation fits a literature data set of 541 points with average relative error of 5.64% and shows correct limits for both high and low Rem.

In comparison, the Ergun equation1 has average relative error of 19.6% and a limit that is too high as Rem→∞, and incorrectly predicts fv=fk Rem decreases linearly as Rem→0. It provides reasonable agreement with data for the range 10≤Rem≤500, in which many experiments are performed. The KTA equation2, developed by the nuclear industry, has a good average relative error of 7.2%, but predicts that fk→0 as Rem→∞ which is qualitatively incorrect. It provides a good approximation for 0.03≤Rem≤105, very similar to the equation of Erdim et al. (2015)3 which shares the KTA strengths and weaknesses. Both latter correlations also have fv increasing with Rem0.9 approximately as Rem increases from 0, which is also incorrect. Our new correlation gives the correct high and low Rem behavior (see Figs. 1 and 2) and has better overall relative error.


  1. Ergun S. Fluid flow through packed columns. Chem. Eng. Prog. 1952;48:89-94.
  2. Nuclear Safety Standards Commission (KTA), 1981.
  3. Erdim E, Akgiray Ö, Demir İ. A revisit of pressure drop-flow rate correlations for packed beds of spheres. Powder Technology 2015;283:488–504.