2022 Annual Meeting
(532dh) Programmable Catalysts Inspired By Semiconductor Devices
Herein, we will discuss the details of graphene-supported metal oxide catalytic condensers. These devices are based on parallel plate capacitors in which the top plate is made from a catalytically-active material supported on graphene, which distributes charge laterally across the surface and affords greater flexibility in selecting the catalytic material. Applying an electrical bias to the device allows for facile and reversible tuning of the electron density in the catalytic layer, providing a means for temporal control of thermochemical reactions. We will highlight our work showing electrostatic tuning of Lewis acidity in ultrathin (< 10 nm) titania films, which is probed via temperature programmed desorption (TPD) of Lewis basic probe molecules, and discuss how the properties of these ultrathin films relate to the performance of the catalytic condenser.
We anticipate that the programmable catalyst design can be extended to additional catalytic materials and applied to improve catalyst performance in thermo- and electrocatalytic reactions of societal importance.
[1] ACS Catal. 2020, 10(21), 12666.
[2] ACS Catal. 2019, 9(8), 6929.
[3] Chem Catalysis 2022, 2(1), 140.
[4] JACS Au, 2022, in press.