2022 Annual Meeting
(505f) Phase–Separation in Photopolymer Composite Media Under Non–Uniform Irradiation
Problem: Typically, these structures are on the length scale of a few hundred micrometers, and incumbent manufacturing techniques such as lithography and imprinting do not offer control over NP distribution during fabrication, severely limiting their use in directly organizing the nanofiller phase in polymeric systems. Moreover, these techniques require the use of molds and templates, and often consist of multiple processing steps involving toxic chemicals such as HF [6].
Motivation: Motivated by the importance of controlling the spatial distribution of NPs in polymer composites and the limitations of incumbent techniques in doing so, we present here a photopolymerizationâbased technique known as lightâinduced selfâwriting (LISW) that allows directly controlling NP distribution in a single processing step [7].
Methods and Results: In this technique, optical beams passing through a photomask elicit photopolymerization and consequent photopolymerizationâinduced phaseâseparation (PhIPS) of NPs along their pathlength in the composite photopolymer medium [8]. Adding another layer of complexity and richness to the entire process, the optical beams themselves undergo divergenceâfree propagation across the film thickness, generating pillarâlike structures with tunable height [9]. The competing processes of thermodynamically favorable phaseâseparation and kinetics of photopolymerization in these polymerizing regions are leveraged directly, specifically using light intensity as the tool to control polymer morphology. First, we explored the phaseâseparation dynamics of a model Silicon nanoparticle (SiNP)âacrylate photopolymer system using inâsitu Raman spectroscopy, which revealed that high light intensity (~20 mW/cm2) arrests NP phaseâseparation, whereas low light intensity (~4 mW/cm2) allows NP phaseâseparation to evolve relatively more freely from the polymerizing regions to the nonâpolymerizing regions created by the optical photomask. This occurs due to the intensityâdependent nature of the photopolymerization rate. To confirm the final morphologies obtained, we used exâsitu Xâray mapping and Raman spectroscopy, which both confirmed phaseâseparated structures with a coreâshellâlike morphology at low light intensity, and NPâembedded structures with arrested NP phaseâseparation at high light intensity [8]. Since the presence of NPs in these morphologies imparts exciting properties to the structured composite materials, we show one application each for the phaseâseparated and embedded structures. Highlighting the versatility of this technique, we demonstrate phaseâseparated superhydrophobic structures for antiâwetting applications using TiO2 nanoparticles [6], and magneticallyâresponsive Fe3O4âcontaining composite pillars [10]. In the former, the pattern generated by the optical photomask and the phaseâseparated NPs synergistically impart a dualâscale roughness to the material surface, enabling excellent superydrophobicity and selfâcleaning ability. In the latter, the Fe3O4 NPs embedded within acrylate pillars impart magnetic properties to the final composite material. It is noteworthy that NP organization and overall polymer structure growth occur and evolve simultaneously herein, which is a highlight of this technique that can be very useful in fabricating materials of this nature.
Implications: Since this work combines nonlinear optics and polymer composite processing, it provides understanding of important aspects such as the influence of nanoparticles on depth of cure and photopolymerization kinetics. Moreover, this technique can be extended to a variety of photoresponsive composite formulations to obtain structured composite materials for applications such as chemical and gas sensing, CO2 capture, and stimuliâresponsive structures, among others.
Conclusions: We first demonstrate control over NP spatial distribution during photopolymerization leveraging the fundamental relationship between incident light intensity and photopolymerization rate. We then extend and apply this process to formulations that are relevant from an applications standpoint, and demonstrate that materials with functionalities can be obtained using this technique.
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[7] Hosein, I. D. (2020). Light-Directed Organization of Polymer Materials from Photoreactive Formulations. Chemistry of Materials, 32(7), 2673-2687.
[8] Pathreeker, S., Chen, F. H., Biria, S., & Hosein, I. D. (2020). Observation of intensity dependent phase-separation in photoreactive monomerânanoparticle formulations under non-uniform visible light irradiation. Soft Matter, 16(31), 7256-7269.
[9] Chen, F. H., Pathreeker, S., Biria, S., & Hosein, I. D. (2017). Synthesis of micropillar arrays via photopolymerization: An in Situ study of light-induced formation, growth kinetics, and the influence of oxygen inhibition. Macromolecules, 50(15), 5767-5778.
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