2022 Annual Meeting
(481a) Modeling of Fluid-Solid Heat and Mass Transfer in Particle Resolved CFD Simulations of Catalytic Fixed Bed Reactors
The new approach is tested with the highly exothermic reaction of n-butane to maleic anhydride (MA) carried out in a packed bed of 100 ring shaped vanadium-phosphorus-oxide catalyst particles under industrial relevant process conditions. The catalytic reaction is implemented via heat and species sources determined with the reaction kinetic derived by Müller et al [3]. Figure 2 shows the results for the simulated temperature and n-butane partial pressure along a plane cut through the packed bed. In the next step the new method is applied to longer fixed beds and the results of these simulations are validated with temperature and concentration profile measurements from a sample port reactor.
[1] A. G. Dixon, M. Nijemeisland (2001) Ind. Chem. Res., 40 (23), 5246.
[2] N. Jurtz, M. Kraume, G. D. Wehinger (2017) Rev. Chem. Eng., 35 (2), 139-190.
[3] M. Müller et al. (2020) Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 60 (1), 218-229.