2022 Annual Meeting

(460f) Continuous Crystallization in Slug Flow Aided with Indirect Focused Ultrasonication


Mou, M., Virginia Commonwealth University
Gupton, F., Virginia Commonwealth University
Vega-Zambrano, C. D. P., Virginia Commonwealth University
Many materials have been synthesized and manufactured to crystalline form for final products. 1–5 The crystallization process and crystal property are largely affected by compound-specific properties, such as nucleation tendency and crystal morphology. Ultrasonication technology has been useful in various industrial and academic studies, including reducing crystal size and aspect ratio, reducing nucleation induction time, narrowing metastable zone width and increasing yield.1–5 This presentation talks about using indirect focused ultrasonication for facilitating nucleation, and improves the crystal morphology by combining sonication-aided nucleation with slug flow.


[1] Luque de Castro, M. D.; Priego-Capote, F. Ultrasound-Assisted Crystallization (Sonocrystallization). Ultrason. Sonochem. 2007, 14 (6), 717–724.

[2] Sander, J. R. G.; Zeiger, B. W.; Suslick, K. S. Sonocrystallization and Sonofragmentation. Ultrason. Sonochem. 2014, 21 (6), 1908–1915.

[3] Ruecroft, G.; Hipkiss, D.; Ly, T.; Maxted, N.; Cains, P. W. Sonocrystallization: The Use of Ultrasound for Improved Industrial Crystallization. Org. Process Res. Dev. 2005, 9 (6), 923–932.

[4] Lovette, M. A., & Doherty, M. F. (2013). Needle-shaped crystals: causality and solvent selection guidance based on periodic bond chains. Crystal growth & design, 13(8), 3341-3352.

[5] Ruecroft, G., Hipkiss, D., Ly, T., Maxted, N., & Cains, P. W. (2005). Sonocrystallization: the use of ultrasound for improved industrial crystallization. Organic Process Research & Development, 9(6), 923-932.

[6] Jiang, M., Papageorgiou, C.D., Waetzig, J., Hardy, A., Langston, M., & Braatz, R.D. (2015) Indirect Ultrasonication in Continuous Slug-Flow Crystallization. Crystal growth & design, 15(5), 2486–2492.