2022 Annual Meeting
(434h) Improving Computational Efficiency of Multi-Stage NMPC Using an Adaptive Horizon
The multi-stage NMPC represents an optimization with uncertainty problem based on a scenario tree evolution of the uncertain parameter realizations into the prediction horizon (Lucia et al., 2013). At each NMPC iteration, a multi-scenario nonlinear program is formulated that minimizes the expected cost subject to model equations, state, and input bounds for each scenario. The problem allows recourse actions justified by presence of feedback, by enforcing non-anticipativity constraints. The multi-stage problem is robust against plant-model mismatch, but it increases the problem size significantly since the number of scenarios is dependent on the number of parameter realizations, and the prediction horizon. This robustness is at the expense of an increased computational cost, hence increased computational delay. A strategy to limit the growth of the scenario tree and the problem size is to implement a robust horizon where branching stops (Sergio Lucia et al., 2013). Further, to minimize the number of scenarios and limit computational cost, a common heuristic of selecting three realizations {max, nominal, min} for each parameter has been implemented (S. Lucia et al., 2013; Martí et al., 2015; Lucia et al., 2016; Jang et al., 2016). However, selecting a few parameter realizations may not be a good representative of the uncertainty set leading to unnecessary conservativeness.
This work is an extension of Mdoe et al. (2021) but is motivated by the possibility of obtaining the uncertain parameter realizations from statistical analysis of historical data (Krishnamoorthy et al., 2018; Thombre et al., 2020). The uncertain parameter set contains discrete points corresponding to the most critical parameter realizations inside a convex hull that the multi-stage NMPC must satisfy. Therefore, the aim of this work is to reduce the problem size further by rather investigating on limiting the prediction horizon. We aim at automatically updating the prediction horizon at each multi-stage NMPC iteration such that the closed loop system is stabilizing, hence improving the computational efficiency. The adaptive horizon algorithm will continuously update the minimum possible prediction horizon that is stabilizing in all possible scenarios, thus minimizing computational delay (Mdoe et al., 2021). This control strategy is termed as the adaptive horizon multi-stage NMPC.
Previously in Mdoe et al. (2021), where the idea of adaptive multi-stage NMPC was first introduced, a brief sketch on its closed-loop stability property was presented. Another contribution of this work is to rigorously establish stability and recursive feasibility properties of the adaptive horizon multi-stage NMPC. Under assumptions of availability full state feedback information and relaxed formulation of multi-stage NMPC with a robust horizon, the adaptive horizon multi-stage NMPC was found to be recursively feasible and input-to-state practically (ISpS) stable for all possible cases of horizon update. The closed loop performance of the controller was tested on two numerical problems: a cooled CSTR system (Klatt and Engell, 1998), and a quad-tank system (Raff et al., 2006). It was found that the proposed controller had a reduced computational cost per iteration without any loss of robustness when compared to the original multi-stage NMPC with a robust horizon.
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