2022 Annual Meeting
(432c) Lstm Neural Networks and Nonlinear State Space Model Identification
In essence, to show whether it is necessary and suitable to adopt LSTM for dynamic modeling, we have to make reasonable comparisons with other traditional methods. Moreover, in industrial process monitoring, the industry tends to accept interpretable models based on safety, reliability, and cost considerations. However, much research work in this field focus on the application and method improvement of LSTM-based models rather than model interpretability. For example, [4] only discussed the establishment of LSTM-based model and model performance of NOx emission prediction but did not reasonably explain what the LSTM-based model has learned from the process and how to model the system. Some articles that also focus on the application and method improvement of the LSTM model without properly explaining how LSTM realizes process monitoring and control can be found in literature [3], [5], [6], [7], [8]. What dynamics does LSTM learn, with its sophisticated structure, from a dynamic industrial process? Are the complex gates in LSTM necessary and appropriate for dynamic process modeling? These research questions have brought about necessity to dissect LSTM for process monitoring and control.
In this paper, we study the LSTM gate structure in the context of nonlinear state space modeling. First, we formulate the LSTM-based network for prediction in the state space form, the structure is visualized in Figure 1. Then we fairly compare LSTM with subspace identification methods (SIM) and traditional methods including partial least squares (PLS) [9] [10], support vector regression (SVR) [11], and the Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator (Lasso) [12], [13] for dynamic inferential modeling and tested on the industrial 660MW boiler dataset and an industrial debutanizer column for their effectiveness. The results of SIMs will be experimented and analyzed later. Other results are summarized in Figure 2. Results of both case studies show that SVR, PLS, Lasso with incorporated dynamics all demonstrate better prediction accuracy than LSTM. In addition, we found that inferential models based on statistical methods in this study are better than some LSTM based models with the same dataset in some studies [3], [4]. By implementing an LSTM of the simplest structure with a single hidden node and without the input and output gates, we discover that LSTM performance has been improved compared to the fully optimized LSTM with the input and output gates and many hidden notes. The LSTM performance is sustained by further turning off the forget gate. These experiments show that the gates and activation functions do not improve the performance as promised. The experiment results are summarized in Figure 3.
In addition to LSTM sub-unit dissection, we further investigate what LSTM has learned by visualizing the iteration process of hidden state inside the LSTM model established in the NOx case. The internal representations are show in Figure 4. Results reflect that the process dynamics of the boiler process which LSTM has captured matches with physical process knowledge. This indicates that LSTM is suitable for dynamic inferential modeling of complex industrial processes. However, the complexity in parameter tuning and lack of transparent interpretation of LSTM remain extra concerns, which could limit its implementation in practice. On the contrary, statistical learning methods such as PLS and Lasso exhibit not only excellent prediction accuracy, but also strong model interpretability. Furthermore, the study shows that sophisticated/deep LSTM networks with stochastic gradient based training algorithms do not necessarily recover linear models with finite and noisy training data. Therefore, the necessity of dynamic inferential modeling with LSTM should be reconsidered.
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