2022 Annual Meeting
(432a) Learning-Based Estimation for Distributed Parameter Systems
Variational Bayesian as a cornerstone parametric statistical estimation technique has been widely used for model identification, parameter estimation, and soft sensing of lumped parameter systems [7-8]. In this work, a variational Bayesian (VB) learning-based approach is proposed for model identification and parameter estimation of distributed parameter systems. The proposed method has the following advantages. Instead of point estimation, the proposed method enables us to estimate the probability distributions of the parameters of DPSs accounting for corresponding uncertainties and providing better probabilistic interpretability, compared to SINDy algorithms. In addition, the proposed method converts the batch estimation in SINDy algorithms into a recursive estimation framework which is amenable for online estimation. The measurement noises/disturbances can be naturally addressed under the VB learning scheme. Moreover, the delay and/or multi-rate issues in the measurements can be readily addressed under the presented VB learning scheme [9-10]. The proposed design can be applied to model identification and parameter estimation of linear and nonlinear distributed parameter systems modelled by partial differential equations (PDE) and partial differential integral equations (PIDE). Specifically, the effectiveness of the proposed design is validated through simulation examples on heat exchangers (described by two first-order hyperbolic PDEs) and transport processes with accumulative terms (described by a first-order hyperbolic PIDE) that are widely utilized in chemical engineering practice.
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