2022 Annual Meeting
(363t) Data-Gathering Lyapunov-Based Economic Model Predictive Control: Considering Interpretability and Physics-Based Model Selection
In this talk, we will provide perspectives on building physics-based process models. We will describe attempts in our recent works to use control designs to gather data which is determined to be desirable to gather [3,4] due to it aiding in discriminating between rival models in a set based on either a prediction error metric or the the steady-state which the closed-loop system is driven to under various control actions. These two methodologies have guaranteed safety properties and are developed in the context of Lyapunov-based economic model predictive control (LEMPC) [5]. They both use nested stability regions for a set of model candidates used in designing the control law (where it is assumed that a representative model of the system dynamics is in this set) for the stability guarantees, but one of the methods repeatedly changes the steady-state around which the stability regions are designed. Simulation examples of a nonideal reactor and level control in a tank demonstrate that there are conditions under which these methods could be valuable for discriminating between rival models being considered for a system, but sensor noise and plant/model mismatch (which would be expected to be inevitable in a real plant) can make this control-assisted discrimination task challenging. Furthermore, these methods do not provide guidance on how to get the different rival models under consideration beyond to postulate a large number of potential models and hope that a sufficiently representative model is in the set. Give the requirements of the stability region nesting, this could be a hard consideration to work with.
This motivates the need for further analysis of when a model is physics-based and how to tell if it has potential to be a priori, before including it, for example, in one of these control-assisted algorithms for gathering data for model discrimination. We hypothesize that an interpretability property of a system could showcase whether it has potential to be physics-based or not, but defining interpretability of a model can be challenging. Interpretability has been given many definitions in the context of, for example, neural networks [6]. We will also describe an attempt to investigate interpretability of a neural network model of a continuous stirred tank reactor (CSTR) inspired by [7] by exploring how weights in the network change when re-training the same model structure after changing a parameter of the CSTR model (e.g., changing a parameter of the reaction rate law). These attempts to investigate interpretability of a neural network for a physical system aid to showcase that a definition of interpretability will require a more rigorous and systematic definition to be useful for building physics-based models in an automated fashion.
We conclude with some discussion of relationships between the data-gathering control designs and cybersecurity-related studies performed in our group (e.g., [8]), where one of the methods has a similar form to what is done in the data-gathering strategies that involve changing steady-states around which the stability regions are designed with time. We discuss to what extent insights from these two different domains provide guidance for the other. We close with a beginning extension of these topics to distributed parameter systems through a computational fluid dynamics model of a flow system where we perform a cyberattack and a data-gathering maneuver to begin to examine how the prior works might extend to systems described by partial differential equations.
1. Brunton, S. L., Proctor, J. L., & Kutz, J. N. (2016). Discovering governing equations from data by sparse identification of nonlinear dynamical systems. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 113(15), 3932-3937.
2. Schmidt, M., & Lipson, H. (2009). Distilling free-form natural laws from experimental data. science, 324(5923), 81-85.
3. Oyama, Henrique, and Helen Durand. "Lyapunov-Based Economic Model Predictive Control for Online Model Discrimination." Computers & Chemical Engineering (2022): 107769.
4. Oyama, H., Leonard, A. F., Rahman, M., Gjonaj, G., Williamson, M., and Durand, H., "On-line Process Physics Tests via Lyapunov-based Economic Model Predictive Control and Simulation-Based Testing of Image-Based Process Control, " American Control Conference, paper 1187, 2022.
5. Heidarinejad, M., Liu, J., & Christofides, P. D. (2012). Economic model predictive control of nonlinear process systems using Lyapunov techniques. AIChE Journal, 58(3), 855-870.
6. Chakraborty, S., Tomsett, R., Raghavendra, R., Harborne, D., Alzantot, M., Cerutti, F., Srivastava, M., Preece, A., Julier, S., Rao, R. M., Kelley, T. D., Braines, D. , Sensoy, M., Willis, C. J., & Gurram, P. (2017, August). Interpretability of deep learning models: A survey of results. In 2017 IEEE Smartworld, Ubiquitous Intelligence & Computing, Advanced & Trusted Computed, Scalable Computing & Communications, Cloud & Big Data Computing, Internet of People and Smart City Innovation (SmartWorld/SCALCOM/UIC/ATC/CBDcom/IOP/SCI) (pp. 1-6). IEEE.
[7] Wu, Z., & Christofides, P. D. (2019). Economic machine-learning-based predictive control of nonlinear systems. Mathematics, 7(6), 494.
[8] Oyama, H., & Durand, H. (2020). Integrated cyberattack detection and resilient control strategies using Lyapunovâbased economic model predictive control. AIChE Journal, 66(12), e17084.