2022 Annual Meeting
(362i) Virtual Sample Generation Based on Quantile Regression Variational Generative Adversarial Network for Soft-Sensing Modeling
Virtual Sample Generation can be used to overcome the limitations of the existing methods in terms of model accuracy when data is insufficient by generating additional virtual samples for modeling [5,6]. The generated virtual samples are used to augment the training data set and improve the data quality, which can enhance the prediction capability of the soft-sensing models. By embracing machine learning and statistical learning, virtual sample generation methods can handle small sample problems in complex environments and have been widely used in different engineering fields. Among them, the deep generation models have strong learning abilities and the capability of generating high-quality virtual samples. The virtual sample generation methods based on deep learning are deep neural network models with multiple hidden layers, which learns and combines low-level features of data to obtain high-level abstract feature representations of data [7,8].
In order to ensure the generation model does not only have the ability to generate virtual samples, but also has the ability to deal with regression prediction problems, the Quantile Regression-based Variational Generative Adversarial Network (QRVAE-GAN) is proposed. The deep generative learning framework QRVAE-GAN includes a Variational Auto-Encoder combined with the Generative Adversarial Network. The Encoder in the Variational Auto-Encoder is used to map the real sample to a potential vector, while the Generator in the Generative Adversarial Network is used to reconstruct the original sample and match the characteristics of the original sample with the given potential vector, to establish the relationship between the potential vector space and the real sample space. The Discriminator is responsible for judging whether the input sample belongs to the real sample probability distribution. The mapping function of the Encoder reduces the training difficulty of the Generator and improves the training speed of the model. And the proposed virtual sample generation model QRVAE-GAN embeds the Quantile Regression output y of the sample as an additional condition into the generative adversarial structure, which affects the generation of the input variable, such that the model can have better prediction ability. This deep generative model can generate labeled samples and can be used to handle sample augmentation in regression prediction problems. QRVAE-GAN can improve the quality of virtual sample generation and increase sample diversity.
In this work, we augment the generated virtual samples to the original data set, and use the expanded training data set to train the data-driven models. This way, the accuracy and robustness of the data-driven soft-sensor models can be improved. We use the multivariable benchmark function to verify the effectiveness of the proposed methods. At the same time, the proposed method is applied to the data-driven modeling of two practical industrial processes: the High-Density Polyethylene production process and the Purified Terephthalic Acid production process. The verification results of multiple benchmark function data sets and two actual industrial process data sets show that the proposed data augmentation method can further improve the performance of data-driven models.
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