2022 Annual Meeting
(360bi) Mass Transfer through Vapor-Liquid Interfaces of Binary Mixtures studied by Non-Stationary Molecular Dynamics Simulations
To study the influence of the enrichment on the mass transfer, a new non-stationary molecular simulation method was developed in the present work, in which the penetration of a low-boiling component 2 into a liquid phase that initially only contains the pure solvent 1 is studied using a multi-ensemble technique. Five model mixtures (exhibiting different phase behavior and interfacial properties) were investigated. The results provide new insights in the physical processes involved in gas-liquid mass transfer. In particular, they indicate that the enrichment at the interface hampers the mass transfer. Furthermore, it was observed, that the penetrating
component may be repelled from the interface in early stages of the mass transfer. The results from this work complement and confirm the findings obtained earlier by our group in stationary NEMD simulations of mass transfer [4].
[1] S. Stephan, H. Hasse, Phys. Rev. E 101 (2020) 012802
[2] S. Stephan et al., J. Chem. Phys. 150 (2019) 174704
[3] S. Stephan, H. Hasse, Int. Rev. Phys. Chem. 39, 3 (2020) 319-349
[4] S. Stephan et al., Mol. Phys. 119, 3 (2021) e1810798