2022 Annual Meeting
(325h) Matrix Stiffness Regulates Proteome Profiling of Primary Hepatocytes and Extracellular Vesicles Secretion upon Alcohol Exposure and HIV Infection
Materials and Methods: To address this gap in knowledge, we have engineered an innovative biomimetic stiffness platform âBEASTS (Bio-Engineered Adhesive Siloxane substrate with Tunable Stiffness)â that recreates physiologic (2 kPa) and pathologic stiffness (25 kPa). We performed proteomic analysis on primary human hepatocytes culture on 2kPa and 25kPa on all upon alcohol exposure and HIV infection on all the four treatments (control, EtOH, HIV, EtOH-HIV) on soft and stiff microenvironments; The EVs that were isolated from these conditions were also quantified. We generated heatmaps and PCA analysis, performed biological process analysis, disease enrichment, and other bioinformatic analysis for all the conditions.
Results and Conclusion: We found several significant proteins that are differentially expressed on both soft and stiff substrate. Several proteins link to EtOH metabolism and HIV infections are moderately expressed in EtOH and HIV-infected hepatocytes on soft microenvironments but highly expressed on the stiff conditions. We found a clear distinct correlations of proteins expression on all conditions when performing PCA. We further confirm that stiffness plays a plausible role in both alcoholic liver disease and viral infected patient. Targeting those highly expressed proteins might be potential treatments for chronic liver diseases.