2022 Annual Meeting

(302c) Is Jango Fett's Backpack Thermodynamically Feasible? Bringing Students' Interest into Chemical Engineering Courses Using YouTube Problems


Liberatore, M. - Presenter, University of Toledo
YouTube problems are visual, creative, student-written problems for any course. Developing an assignment for and grading of these unique problems that reverse engineer action in student-selected YouTube videos have resulted in a plethora of engaging and rigorous problems in courses including thermodynamics, material and energy balances, fluid mechanics, separations, and more. Our YouTube pedagogy has been in development for more than a decade, which has created an archive of hundreds of problems, some of which are freely available to faculty as part of the Material and Energy Balances zyBook. Additionally, our NSF-sponsored research studied problem-solving ability, measuring problem difficulty, and student attitudes, which will be briefly summarized here. Information on how to create YouTube problems, example rubrics, and our publications are available on our website as well as a YouTube channel title Reverse Engineering Engineering Education.