2022 Annual Meeting

(2jb) Low-Cost and Membrane-Free Chloride Redox Flow Battery with Multiphase Flow


Wang, C., University of Maryland

Grid-scale energy storage is essential for renewable energy integration and redox flow batteries (RFB) provide affordable and scalable solutions. However, most of the current RFB chemistries are based on expensive transition metal ions or synthetic organics. Here, we report a reversible Cl2/Cl- redox flow battery through electrolysis of aqueous NaCl electrolyte, the as-produced Cl2 is stored and extracted using the immiscible organic flow (carbon tetrachloride or mineral spirit), which effectively prevent cross-over with a membrane-free design. The multiphase flow battery demonstrates an energy efficiency of >91 % and an energy density of 125.7 Wh/L. Continuum simulation shows that the power could be enhanced by adjusting flow rate for the two phases during charge and discharge accordingly. With the inherently low cost of active materials (~5 $/kWh) and highly reversible redox reaction of Cl2/Cl-, the chlorine flow battery leaves significant space to meet the stringent price and reliability target for stationary energy storage.

Research Interests

My research interests revolve around mitigating the kinetics and reversibility of electrochemical energy storage systems, including redox flow batteries, Li-ion, Li metal and multivalent metal batteries. These goals are achieved through innovating the electrolytes, engineering interphase and designing new cell configurations, alongside with the development of new spectroscopic tools, including NMR, AFM, XPS and electrochemical impedance.

Teaching Interests

I am going to leverage my experience and understanding in electrochemistry and battery system control to develop two courses:1. Kinetics and thermodynamics of the reactions in electrochemical energy storage systems; 2. Electrochemical Analysis and control of battery systems. The first direction illustrates the physics and chemistry of electrochemical reactions, and the development of new advanced materials, the second direction provides the understanding of failure mechanisms in batteries, the electrochemical analysis and circuit used to monitor, diagnose, and optimize the state of health of the batteries. Also, I will be glad to teach core courses for graduate and undergraduate students in transport phenomena, reaction kinetics and thermodynamics to help students build general understanding in chemical engineering.