2022 Annual Meeting
(2at) Tailored Polymeric Systems: Material Properties Informed By Molecular Design
Although polymers are complex macromolecules comprising hundreds, thousands, or even millions of atomic constituents, dramatic changes in properties can be accessed with only a minute change in molecular structureâif strategically designed. As an example, my postdoctoral work with Prof. Marc Hillmyer at the University of Minnesota has focused on the synthesis and application of polyethylene (PE) with hydroxy end groups that enable its further modification and inclusion in more complex systems. I overhauled the synthetic approach to overcome previous barriers to scalability, while also incorporating sustainable practices that minimize environmental impact, even at higher throughput. The result is an efficient route to PE with controlled size and chain-end functionality. We were able to use these hydroxy end groups for the growth of poly(lactic acid) (PLA) end blocks, and the resultant PLAâPEâPLA triblock copolymers served as effective precursors for the production of PE membranes with narrowly dispersed, nanoscale pores for use in ultrafiltration applications. Additionally, I have collaborated with Prof. Christopher Ellison to show how hydroxy-functional PE can act as a reactive compatibilizer for mixed plastic waste, with reprocessed blends showing substantially improved mechanical performance even at low loadings. These projects demonstrate how a simple change (hydroxy end groups) to a commodity polymer (polyethylene) opens the door to new applications.
Prior to my time in the Hillmyer group, I deepened my understanding of structureâproperty relationships during my graduate work with Prof. Craig Hawker and Prof. Christopher Bates at the University of California, Santa Barbara. There, I developed a metal-free synthetic approach to silicon-containing polymeric systemsâboth linear and networkâfrom benign, inexpensive starting materials. In addition, we demonstrated how the introduction of a dynamic covalent monomer to an otherwise conventional 3D printing resin provided the resultant parts with reprocessability and self-healing characteristics, as well as enabling post-printing chemical modification.
For my independent career, I will leverage my synthetic training and engineering education to explore the effect of small-scale changes in key areas of polymer structure on bulk material properties. In particular, I plan on harnessing accessible synthetic transformations to dictate the character of macromolecular chain ends andâin more architecturally complex systemsâjunctions. My research will investigate how this structural variation impacts nano- and microstructure and, consequently, the performance of engineering materials.
Teaching Interests:
For the past two years, I have been helping redesign the Polymer Laboratory course at the University of Minnesota, which has involved assessing and modifying the curriculum (both lectures and laboratory modules) as well as giving several guest lectures. I have enjoyed engaging with students on the subject of polymer science and would welcome the opportunity to teach (and design, if needed) a similar course. Additionally, my formal education in both Materials Engineering and Applied Mathematics makes me well suited to teach a number of core courses, including thermodynamics, numerical methods, and heat/mass transfer.