2022 Annual Meeting
(287c) Novel Field Deployable Sensors to Monitor How Dynamic Hydrology Shapes Nutrient and Element Transformations in a Great Lakes Coastal Estuary
We developed a 3D printed graphite electrode in order to perform zero resistance ammetry (ZRA) measurements to measure redox disequilibria at various spatial scales in benthic sediments. This allowed us to detect the distributions, extents, and kinetics of biogeochemical processes. In this work, ZRA was used to measure electrical current that arose from microbially-induced redox disequilibrium. We compared the 3D printed electrodes to graphite mesh electrodes using cyclic voltammetry. Prior to deployment in the field, we used the 3D printed graphite electrodes in opposing chambers of a split cell setup containing poorly crystalline Fe(III) (hydr)oxide-rich soils. When both chambers were incubated under oxic or anoxic conditions, no current was observed. However, when one chamber was oxic and the other anoxic, no Fe(III) reduction was observed in the oxic chamber and Fe(II) accumulated in the anoxic chamber. The redox disequilibrium generated between chambers was accompanied by electron transfer from the anoxic to the oxic chamber detected as ZRA.
We then refined the design, construction, and deployment of a paired ZRA and Eh multi-sensor system that will detect electrochemical signals across and directly beneath the sediment-water interface at nested scales (sub-millimeter to decimeter) at a shallow location (< 10 cm surface water) in the Old Woman Creek wetland. In summer 2022, we deployed these sensors and collected concurrent data on dissolved oxygen dynamics, surface and pore water nutrient concentrations, greenhouse gas fluxes (chamber measurements), and soil geochemistry. Future work will use this data to demonstrate the feasibility of integrating microsite electrochemical and redox variability to the ecosys ecosystem scale model for improved representation of soil redox processes in spatially variable and temporally fluctuating systems.
Specifically, our objectives are to (1) comprehensively relate dynamic hydrology to redox regimes; (2) determine how redox heterogeneity in space and time drives elemental cycling at multiple scales, and; (3) assess the sensitivity of process-based models to the inclusion of fine-scale variability in redox conditions.