2022 Annual Meeting

(236g) Comando: An Open-Source Python Package for Optimal Design and Operation of Energy Systems


Mitsos, A. - Presenter, RWTH Aachen University
Shu, D. Y., Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH
Baader, F. J., Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH
Hering, D., RWTH Aachen University, E.ON Energy Research Center
Bau, U., Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH
Xhonneux, A., Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH
Dahmen, M., FZ Jülich
Bardow, A., RWTH Aachen University
Planning the increasingly interconnected energy systems of the future is a challenging problem, as the design needs to ensure feasibility of the prospective operation [1, 2]. Addressing this interdependence of design and operation and ensuring optimal economic and ecologic performance requires to properly account for the variability of energy demands, prices, weather, and other uncertain operational quantities.
A common approach to address such challenging planning problems is via mathematical programming, see, e.g., [3, 4, 5, 6, 7], and particularly two-stage stochastic programming [8, 9, 10, 11, 12]. Existing software supporting the formulation of design and operation problems includes general-purpose algebraic modeling languages (AMLs), e.g., GAMS [13] or Pyomo [14], on the one hand, and specialized energy system modeling frameworks (ESMFs), e.g., OSeMOSYS [15] or oemof [16], on the other hand. While AMLs generally allow for a much broader range of problem formulations, ESMFs make use of modularity, allowing the representation of systems as aggregations of subsystems and elementary components, which enhances model maintainability and reusability. Frequently, however, existing ESMFs enforce (mixed-integer) linear programming formulations. While this choice enables the use of robust and established solvers to tackle large-scale problems, see, e.g., [17, 18, 19], it complicates the application of such ESMFs to technical system design and operation with relevant nonlinearities.
We present the Python package COMANDO [20], a framework for component-oriented modeling and optimization for nonlinear design and operation of integrated energy systems. In COMANDO, component models may contain nonlinearities, dynamics, and discrete decisions. Model equations are given in a symbolic form, powered either by the computer algebra system Sympy [21], or its C++ implementation, symengine [22], which enables the efficient creation of models with very large symbolic expressions, such as those resulting from hybrid mechanistic-data-driven modeling, e.g., [23, 24]. Based on the resulting models, optimization problems considering both design and operation are formulated. The symbolic description enables manipulations of the problem formulations, such as automated problem simplification via linearization, problem reformulations, or the derivation of subproblems for specialized solution algorithms. We demonstrate the applicability of COMANDO to a diverse range of applications from energy systems engineering, including the multi-objective optimization of an integrated energy system, and the design of a low-temperature district heating network.


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