2022 Annual Meeting
(233d) Accelerated Kinetic Monte Carlo (kMC) Simulation and Density Functional Theory (DFT) to Predict Turn-over Frequencies in Heterogeneous Complex Catalytic Reactions
Therefore, to apply the kMC algorithms alongside DFT calculations for a more general class of catalytic reactions it becomes important that efficient strategies be developed that allow us to effectively sample slow and fast catalytic reaction steps in a computationally tractable fashion [9]. To this end, we propose a novel method of combining DFT calculations with kMC simulations. Specifically, this begins by identifying the distinct reaction channels present in the reaction mechanism. In the proposed methods based on the products formed in the reactions the intermediates related to individual reaction channels are identified and segregated. Then by analyzing the activation energies obtained from DFT calculations for both the forward and reverse reactions a reaction channel is either denoted as reversible or irreversible. All the fast reactions in the catalytic surface are assumed to be reversible and accordingly the free energy of the reverse reactions is also obtained for individual reaction steps via DFT calculations. After the activation energies are obtained the rate expression using the Arrhenius law is derived for the individual reactions. Reaction rates in each of the reaction channels are adaptively coarse-grained by using a scaling factor which essentially increases the energy barriers of the fast reaction channels to bring the reactions rates of the fast reactions within a few orders of magnitude of the slow reactions. The reaction channels are coarse-grained when a channel is quasiequilbrated. The degree of quasiequilibration is determined by a threshold value which acts as a tuning parameter of the algorithm. As predicted by DFT calculations when the reaction channel with the highest energy barrier is executed the kMC method stops exploring a kinetic basin and hops to the adjacent kinetic basin and the scaling factors of all the reaction channels are reinitialized. This algorithm minimizes the re-sampling of similar system configurations and allows us to sample the slower reactions in a computationally efficient manner. As a case study, the accelerated kMC and DFT algorithm is implemented to study the complex nitrogen reduction reaction (NRR) reaction on heterogenous catalyst and obtain the TOF values.
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