2022 Annual Meeting
(18e) Phytoremediation of Deicing Salt from Roadside Soils
A species inventory of potential plant species was created to determine the most promising species for salt phytoremediation of roadside soil. Greenhouse experiments were then performed with the highest rated species, including common sunflower (Helianthus annuus), pitseed goosefoot (Chenopodium berlandieri), and big bluestem (Andropogon gerardii). Plants were grown for roughly 7 weeks in 10 cm diameter pots with 75 g of fresh Sungrow potting soil and watered weekly with 100 mL of 0, 50, or 100 mM NaCl saltwater solution for a total of 4 weeks during the experiment. Common sunflower showed the highest total salt uptake into aboveground biomass with 51.4 and 58.5 mg Na+ and 162.4 and 185.0 mg Cl- for the 50 and 100 mM NaCl treatments respectively. Pitseed goosefoot accumulated 19.6 and 29.4 mg Na+ and 89.9 and 101.3 mg Cl- while big bluestem showed the lowest salt uptake with only 2.92 and 1.65 mg Na+ and 23.6 and 9.36 mg Cl- for the 50 and 100 mM treatments. According to the amount of salt added in the 50 mM treatment, common sunflower removed 17.8% and pitseed goosefoot removed 9.15% of the total salt from the soil. Therefore, common sunflower could theoretically remove most of the salt within 5 to 6 harvests and it would take around 10 to 11 harvests for pitseed goosefoot. These results show that common sunflower and pitseed goosefoot may be great candidates for salt remediation on salt contaminated roadsides and should be further explored with field studies on roadsides contaminated with deicing salt.
Keywords: phytoremediation, road salt, deicing salt