2022 Annual Meeting
(181c) Molecular Modes from NMR Relaxation in Fluids: Going Beyond the Bpp Theory
Analysis of magnetic dipole-dipole autocorrelations from molecular simulations shows that even for simple alkanes and water, the mono-exponential assumption is not met. We show that the T1 relaxation in the slow-motion regime of crude oils, hydrocarbon viscosity standards, and glycerol all significantly depart from the BPP theory. The NMR relaxation autocorrelation exponents are distinctly different and reveal the existence of a distribution of correlation times within the autocorrelation. This distribution appears to be multimodal on the logarithm of the autocorrelation times. The modes correspond to the molecular structure and environment studied, hence termed molecular modes.
I will present our findings on NMR relaxation from simulations in bulk fluids, fluids under confinement, and water in the presence of paramagnetic ions. I will show that the assumptions underlying BPP theory are invalid, a finding that has far reaching implications for how one interprets NMR relaxation phenomena in condensed media. I will also show the potential for using molecular modes distribution to enhance the interpretation of NMR relaxation.