2022 Annual Meeting
(10f) Improving the Tightness of State Relaxations for Global Dynamic Optimization through Refinement with Invariants
The analogy to state-bounding methods suggests that improved state relaxations might be achieved by (i) developing an iterative algorithm for refining pairs of convex/concave relaxations based on invariants, and (ii) embedding this algorithm within the RPD method such that the state relaxations are refined at each point in time before being propagated forward. However, due to technical details of RPD, this approach runs into considerable problems. Specifically, the combination of iterative relaxation refinement with RPD can (and often does) lead to intermediate variables where the convex underestimator lies above the concave overestimator on parts of the decision space. All further computations with these objects, known as âemptyâ McCormick objects, are undefined using standard McCormick relaxation rules. This causes RPD to terminate unsuccessfully, or, if ignored, can lead to nonconvex state relaxations. Hence, the use of invariants to obtain tighter state relaxations has remained an unaddressed challenge.
In the 2020 AIChE meeting, we presented extended McCormick relaxation rules that are well defined for empty objects and preserve the desired convexity/concavity properties [2]. In the 2021 meeting, we presented an improved version of the RPD method (without invariants) that uses these rules to avoid some computationally undesirable details of the RPD method [1]. In this talk, we further utilize the extended McCormick rules to enable the use of invariant-based state relaxation refinement seamlessly within the RPD method. We then present preliminary results showing that state relaxations can indeed be made significantly tighter using this technique. Future work will apply these improved relaxations within B&B to maximize its efficiency in solving GDO problems.
[1] AIChE: An Improved Implementation of the RPD Method for Computing Convex Relaxations for Global Dynamic Optimization (2021)
[2] AIChE: Modified McCormick Relaxation Rules for Handling Infeasibility in Relaxation-Based Iterative Domain Reduction Methods (2020)
[3] Scott, J.K., Barton, P.I.: Bounds on the reachable sets of nonlinear control systems. Automatica 49(1), 93â100 (2013). DOI https://doi.org/10.1016/j.automatica.2012.09.020
[4] Scott, J.K., Barton, P.I.: Improved relaxations for the parametric solutions of odes using differential inequalities. Journal of Global Optimization 57, 143â176 (2013). DOI 10.1007/s10898-012-9909-0
[5] Shen, K.J., Scott, J.K.: Rapid and accurate reachability analysis for nonlinear dynamic systems by exploiting model redundancy. Computers and Chemical Engineering 106, 596â608 (2017). DOI 10.1016/j.compchemeng.2017.08.001