2022 Annual Meeting
(106h) Data-Driven Predictive Control of Two-Timescale Dynamics: Application to a Battery System
In the developed method, we employ a sparse regression-based modeling technique to determine a sparse model as sparsity enhances the simplicity, interpretability, and generalizability of a process model. Specifically, we utilize sparse identification of nonlinear dynamics (SINDy) to model the two-timescale dynamics from input-output data of a process [7]. Firstly, we identify two different process models for intra-cyclic (intra-SINDy) and inter-cyclic (inter-SINDy) dynamics by using SINDy offline. Next, the identified intra-SINDy and inter-SINDy models are applied online to predict the evolution of process dynamics within each operating cycle and at the end of every operating cycle, respectively. In particular, the intra-SINDy model predicts the intra-cyclic dynamics based on the inter-SINDy modelâs prediction in the long term. This integration of both the SINDy models improves the prediction accuracy of intra-SINDy. The main advantages of the developed method are three-fold: 1) simultaneously describing the two-timescale process dynamics; 2) predicting accurately by accounting for the interdependence among fast and slow dynamics; 3) providing an insight into the governing dynamics because of sparsity in the model structure. The implementation of the developed framework is demonstrated using a battery. Because of operating the battery under repeated charging and discharging cycles, its performance degrades with time due to various factors such as dendrite formation, mechanical stress, and electrolytic decomposition. By predicting the battery degradation, we enhance its durability through model predictive control of the battery operation. First, the developed method is deployed to predict the evolution of state of charge (SoC) and voltage within each operating cycle and forecast future capacity degradation at the end of every operating cycle. Next, we design a controller with the objective of maximizing the batteryâs lifetime and minimizing its charging time. Prediction of SoC and voltage reflects charging time, and prediction of capacity degradation assists in estimating the batteryâs lifetime. Based on these predictions, the controller provides an optimal charging profile to enhance the batteryâs performance.
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