2022 Annual Meeting
(104h) Surrogate-Based Optimization for Box-Constrained Black-Box Systems Via k-Means Clustering
In order to reduce the computational burden of the framework, this work proposes a simple, yet effective SBO strategy for box-constrained black-box systems. Starting with an initial data set, a surrogate model is first constructed, and then updated subsequently by adding new data points iteratively. At any iteration, k-means clustering technique creates a few data clusters in the design space. Then, two sample points are added to account for exploration and exploitation, separately. The first point is simply added by Monte-Carlo technique in pursuit of filling the design space iteratively, while the second point is identified as a convex combination of all points of the cluster which hosts the current optima (exploitation). This iterative process continues until a stopping criterion of maximum sample points is met. Our algorithm does not entail partitioning of the input space by delaunay triangulations, and can be applied on large dimensional systems. The performance of our algorithm was evaluated on various data sets generated from a suite of complex, multimodal test functions with dimensions ranging from 2 to 6. A metric âCompute Effortâ (β) quantified the computational burden of the algorithm in obtaining the global optima for a given data set. We considered Hammersley, Halton, and Sobol sampling techniques for initial design of experiments (DoE), and Radial Basis Function (RBF) surrogates with Bi-Harmonic, Multi-Quadratic, Inverse Multi-Quadratic, Thin Plate Spline, Gaussian, and Cubic basis functions. Analyzing the performance of various surrogate-DoE combinations over 29 test functions, we observed that an RBF surrogate with Bi-Harmonic basis function was the worst in obtaining the global optima (β=100%) for all test functions irrespective of the initial sampling technique, owing to the piecewise linear profile of the response surface. Other surrogate-DoE combinations showed varying performance, with no combination outperforming others. Our algorithm identified the global optima precisely for 22/29 test functions for at least one DoE-surrogate pair, at low computational expense. For 7/29 test functions, it either got stuck at some local optima, or could not precisely reach the global solution before termination. On the 22 successful test functions, our algorithm had lower β as compared to six commercially available global optimization algorithms, including pattern-search-based and evolutionary algorithms. Our future work includes modifying the exploration process so that our proposed algorithm can escape the local optima better, and show improved performance.
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