2021 Annual Meeting
(750f) Engineering the Biomimetic Mineralization Process Via Microscale Ultra-Homoporous Membrane Crystallizer
In addition, the regulation of CO2 gas flow rate in the through-channel of crystallizer can be conveniently achieved and determine the spatial distribution of nucleation and cluster diffusion, which also resulting in the formation of CaCO3 superstructures with different morphologies. The proportion of spherical and polyhedral crystals increased by 6 times with the reduction of surface energy in CO2 atmosphere, and the crystal size distribution of the crystals was uniform (C.V. â¤18%). Thus, compared with the classical nucleation theory, biomimetic mineralization using the ultra-uniform 200 nm level channel was coordinately regulated by the microenvironment of multi-scale crystallizer, which showed higher control precision and the mixing scale and efficiency were improved by 1 orders of magnitude. Based on the classic Hagen Poiseuille transfer model, it is confirmed that the mixing and diffusion efficiency of the developed multi-scale crystallizer is significantly improved.
Fig. 1. Effect of gas flow rate on crystallization: schematic diagram of crystallization on ulta-homoporous membrane crystallizer (A); Representative CaCO3 crystal morphologies obtained at different gas flow rates: 3.69×10-5 m/h; 2.03×10-4 m/h; 4.06×10-4 m/h; 4.06×10-3 m/h (B); Mapping of representative CaCO3 crystal morphologies at low gas flow rates (3.69×10-5 m/h)(C); Ratio distribution of CaCO3 crystals with different morphologies at different gas flow rate (D).
We acknowledge the financial contribution from National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 21676043, 21527812, U1663223, 21978037), MOST innovation team in key area (No. 2016RA4053) and Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (DUT19TD33).