2021 Annual Meeting
(738e) Energy and Exergy Analysis of the Novel Supercritical CO2 Brayton Cycle Using Different Designs of the Precooler
In the novel supercritical carbon dioxide Brayton (sCO2-BC), the pre-cooler (Fig. a) role is critical [1,5]. It serves not only as a sink to the power cycle but it also regulates the conditions at the compressor's inlet. The compressor's inlet temperature is intended to be maintained close to the critical temperature of carbon dioxide (CO2) to achieve greater cycle efficiencies[6]. However, exceptionally higher values of the specific heat capacity of near its critical point (up to 40 times higher than water) requires exceedingly high water flow rates [7] on the cold side to achieve the desired exit temperatures of CO2. Consequently, the pre-cooler's pumping power requirements become high enough to deteriorate the cycle's performance. This problem can only be mitigated by exploring new channel geometries with enhanced thermohydraulic characteristics. Moreover (sCO2-BC) currently lacks investigations on enhancing the thermohydraulic performance of pre-cooler using efficient channel geometries. Currently installed (sCO2-BC), facilities and available numerical work on the topic focus on printed circuit heat exchangers (PCHEs) with straight channel geometries. However, it has been reported [8,9] frequently in the literature that thermal and hydraulic characterizes of the PCHEs with straight channels exhibit significantly low thermal and hydraulic characteristics compared with zigzag and airfoil channel-geometries. One of the reasons why pre-cooler's designs with the aforementioned channel-geometries were never explored was the unavailability of their thermal and hydraulic characteristics in the pre-cooler's operating regime due to limited lab facilities and intricacies linked with abrupt variations in the thermophysical properties near the critical point.
Regarding the discussion above, the current work deals with the numerical evaluation of pressure drop and heat transfer characteristics of the pre-cooler with zigzag channels and airfoil channels. Computation geometries are shown in Fig. a. Hexahedral mesh was generated using ICEM-CFD that was solved employing ANSYS-CFX. Real gas property tables through RGP files were utilized to implement the abrupt variations in the working fluid's thermophysical properties. Furthermore, a pitch-averaged data post-processing methodology is introduced and opted for the precise post-processing of the data[10]. Computed data was used to train the machine learning model based on the artificial neural network (ANN) to predict Nusselt number (Nu) and friction factor (f) as shown in Fig. d. Later, an in-house pre-cooler design and analysis code (PCDAC) was developed and coupled with cycle design point code (CDPC). The precooler code (PCDAC) employs (Fig. b and Fig. c) the developed Nusselt number (Nu) and friction factor (f) correlations based on the CFD data to achieve different precooler designs using various design values of heat exchanger's effectiveness (ϵD), and design value of the inlet Reynolds number (ReD). Later an impact of the different designs of the heat exchanger was accessed on the cycle's performance using both energy and exergy analysis. Moreover, a multi-object optimization study was conducted to locate the best compromise between the cycle's performance and the pre-cooler's size.
Results suggest that the performance of (sCO2-BC)can be enhanced substantially by employing zigzag and airfoil channel geometries for the pre-cooler design (Fig. e). Cycle's highest efficiency was found with airfoil channel geometry of the pre-cooler at 20k > ReD > 25k and 0.92 > ϵD > 0.95. However, the pre-cooler's most compact designs were found with zigzag channel geometry with design values of ReD and ϵD ranging from 35k to 40k and 0.98 to 0.99, respectively. Optimization results suggest that replacing straight channels with airfoil channels could reduce the pre-cooler's size up to 2.3 times and bring about a considerable enhancement in the power cycle's efficiency.
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[8] M. Saeed, A.S. Berrouk, M. Salman Siddiqui, A. Ali Awais, A. S.Berrouk, M.Salman Siddique, M.A. Awais, Effect of Printed Circuit Heat Exchanger's Different Designs on the Performance of Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Brayton Cycle, Appl. Therm. Eng. 179 (2020) 115758. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2020.115758.
[9] C. Huang, W. Cai, Y. Wang, Y. Liu, Q. Li, B. Li, Review on the characteristics of flow and heat transfer in printed circuit heat exchangers, Appl. Therm. Eng. 153 (2019) 190â205. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2019.02.131.
[10] M. Saeed, A.S. Berrouk, M. Salman Siddiqui, A. Ali Awais, Numerical investigation of thermal and hydraulic characteristics of sCO2-water printed circuit heat exchangers with zigzag channels, Energy Convers. Manag. 224 (2020) 113375. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enconman.2020.113375.