2021 Annual Meeting
(737f) Concentrated Solar–Plasma Chemical Processing: Reactors Design and Implementations for CO2 Decomposition
Plasmachemical processes utilize electricity to power an electrical discharge to drive feedstock gas to a plasma (i.e. partially ionized gas) state. Solar-plasma chemical processing is motivated by the potential for synergistic interactions among solar photons and plasma species (free electrons, ions, excited molecules and atoms) to lead to enhanced process performance. Computational studies [1] have shown that CO2 in non-local thermodynamic equilibrium state (i.e. significantly greater equivalent temperature of free electrons, typically > 1 eV ~ 11600 K, compared to the gas species temperature, typically of a few hundred oC) absorbs drastically more solar radiation than CO2 in thermodynamic equilibrium, which can potentially lead to greater CO2 decomposition.
The design of reactors for solar-plasma chemical conversion present distinct challenges, such as ensuring appropriate interaction between incident solar radiation and plasma, maintaining the integrity of the optical aperture in the proximity of plasma, and integrating catalytic monoliths that exploit solar photon- and plasma-driven reactivity. Sola-plasma reactor design rationale and representative design concepts are reviewed and discussed.
Solar-plasma chemical conversion processes can be categorized based on the ratio of solar input power (Ps) to electrical input power (Pe). If Ps > Pe, then the process is denoted plasma-enhanced solar thermochemical (PES); whereas if Ps < Pe, then it is denoted solar-enhanced plasmachemical (SEP). A solar-gliding arc plasma reactor is implemented for a representative PES process [2, 3] and a solar-microwave plasma reactor for a SEP process [4, 5]. Both reactors are evaluated for the decomposition of CO2 at (near) atmospheric pressure conditions using up to 525 W of radiative energy flux from a high-flux solar simulator. The solar-gliding arc reactor is powered by up to 240 W from two high-voltage AC power supplies and the solar-microwave plasma reactor by up to 900 W of net power from a 2.45 GHz magnetron. The studies did not include the incorporation of catalytic monoliths in order to discern the level of solar- or plasma-enhancement. CO2 conversion and energy efficiency as function of solar and electrical input power, flow rate, and gas composition (100% CO2 and CO2-N2/Ar/H2O/CH4 mixtures) are presented. Process characterization included optical and high-speed imaging, electrical diagnostics, optical emission spectroscopy, and gas chromatography of products. The results show that greater CO2 conversion and energy efficiency are obtained by the combined use of concentrated solar and plasma as compared to plasma or solar energy alone. Current efforts encompass the incorporation of different catalytic monoliths into the reactors and detailed computational multiphysics analyses of the solar-plasma CO2 conversion processes.
Acknowledgements: The author gratefully acknowledges the work of Dr. Sina Mohsenian, Dr. Dassou Nagassou, Rasool Elahi, Benard Tabu, and Visal Veng, from which this work is based. This work has been supported by the U.S. National Science Foundation through award CBET-1552037.
[1] R. Elahi, D. Nagassou, S. Mohsenian, J. P. Trelles (2020). Enhanced Solar Radiation Absorption by Carbon Dioxide in Thermodynamic Nonequilibrium: A Computational Study, Solar Energy, 195, 369-381.
[2] Nagassou, D., Mohsenian, S., Bhatta, S., Elahi, R., & Trelles, J. P. (2019). Solarâgliding arc plasma reactor for carbon dioxide decomposition: Design and characterization. Solar Energy, 180, 678-689.
[3] Nagassou, D., Mohsenian, S., Nallar, M., Yu, P., Wong, H. W., & Trelles, J. P. (2020). Decomposition of CO2 in a solar-gliding arc plasma reactor: Effects of water, nitrogen, methane, and process optimization. Journal of CO2 Utilization, 38, 39-48.
[4] Mohsenian, S., Nagassou, D., Bhatta, S., Elahi, R., & Trelles J. P. (2019). Design and Characterization of a Solar-Enhanced Microwave Plasma Reactor for Atmospheric Pressure Carbon Dioxide Decomposition. Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 28, 065001.
[5] Mohsenian, S., Nagassou, D., Elahi, R., Yu, P., Nallar, M., Wong, H.-W., & Trelles, J. P. (2019). Carbon Dioxide Conversion by Solar-Enhanced Microwave Plasma: Effect of Specific Power and Argon/Nitrogen Carrier Gases, Journal of CO2 Utilization, 34, 725-732.