2021 Annual Meeting

(709a) Optimal Design of Controlled Environment Agricultural Systems Under Market Uncertainty


Stuber, M. - Presenter, University of Connecticut
Global population growth and increased climate variability have posed major challenges to traditional agricultural production [2,6]. As these trends persist, meeting increased consumer demand under heightened uncertainty will further stress the capabilities of our existing food production infrastructure [4,5]. For this reason, alternative methods are being sought to augment conventional food production. Controlled environment agriculture (CEA) is an alternative strategy that decouples crop production from environmental conditions through indoor cultivation. CEA offers a more sustainable alternative to conventional agriculture and presents opportunities for improved food security by increasing public access to nutritious fresh produce. Startup costs for CEA systems, however, are significantly higher than those of traditional growing operations, and therefore present a larger barrier to adoption. To accelerate the adoption of this potentially disruptive technology for next generation food production, a better understanding of the long-term economic viability of CEA technology is desired. To provide this valuable insight, we have developed the first economics-based optimal design and planning model for CEA systems.

To date, the majority of agricultural planning models have focused on traditional outdoor food production. Many of the existing models have been tailored to highly specific operations, few have employed mathematically rigorous optimization techniques, and only a handful have accounted for uncertainty, which is desired to realistically assess the long-term economic viability of the system [1,3,7]. Since existing models are not applicable to CEA systems, we have developed an optimal design and planning model that can be used to assess the long-term economic viability of a broad range of CEA systems. Our proposed model employs robust optimization to account for uncertainty in the design and planning stages of CEA production, which enables risk-averse investment decision making for long-term economic viability.

In this work, we present a novel methodology for the simultaneous robust design and planning of CEA systems under multi-period market price uncertainty/risk. This problem is cast as a bilevel program with a nonconvex outer program pertaining to the design objective and multiple semidefinite inner programs pertaining to mean-variance risk exposure over each period considered in the planning horizon. The bilevel program is reformulated as a nonconvex semi-infinite program with several semi-infinite constraints pertaining to the multi-period risk exposure over the horizon. The problem is solved to global optimality using a custom branch-and-bound strategy constructed with EAGO.jl [10] that exploits a combination of McCormick-based envelopes and Gurobi’s nonconvex solver [8], to solve the relaxed (upper-bounding in the maximization sense) subproblems, and IPOPT [9] for local solution of the lower-bounding (in the maximization sense) subproblems. A solution to the model represents a design and operating schedule that is robust to worst-case market uncertainty and therefore provides a conservative basis for CEA engineering and investment decision-making.

Our proposed model has been formulated generally and can be used to optimize large-scale CEA systems for the cultivation of any crop portfolio via single or multi-mode cultivation. The optimization objective employed is to maximize the net present value of the CEA system over its expected lifespan. Constraints limiting risk exposure and production capacity are also included to ensure that the optimal design is both robust and practical. Capital and operating expenses, including those associated with system construction, cultivation equipment, resources, labor, and distribution, are accounted for in the economic objective through sub-models that capture the location, capacity, and crop allocation cost dependencies of the specific CEA system being modeled. These sub-models can be easily adjusted for different CEA configurations without structural changes to the main optimization algorithm. This not only enables efficient determination of the optimal design for a given CEA configuration, but also enables efficient comparison between multiple candidate systems for strategic adoption of CEA technology.

To evaluate the efficacy of our approach, the economic performance of the robust design was compared against that of naïve design and operating strategies through two case studies. In each of the presented case studies, an economically feasible design was identified, even when the naïve design was economically infeasible, and the improvement in system performance attributed to the implementation of a robust design was quantified. This approach represents, to our knowledge, the first robust optimization approach to CEA systems and is demonstrated to effectively increase the robustness of CEA systems to market uncertainty, improve the long-term economics of CEA systems over naïve operating strategies, and validate the economic viability of single and multi-mode CEA production of distinct crop portfolios. This work establishes a means of evaluating the economic viability of a wide array of CEA systems and serves as a baseline for future development of CEA design and planning models to accelerate the adoption of CEA technology.


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[2] Deschênes, O., Greenstone, M., 2007. The economic impacts of climate change: evidence from agricultural output and random fluctuations in weather. Am. Econ. Rev. 97 (1), 354–385. doi: 10.1257/aer.97.1.354 .

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[4] Fedoroff, N.V., 2015. Food in a future of 10 billion. Agric. Food Secur. 4 (1), 11. doi: 10.1186/s40066- 015- 0031- 7 .

[5] Field, C.B., Barros, V., Stocker, T.F., Dahe, Q., 2012. Managing the Risks of Extreme 1083 Events and Disasters to Advance Climate Change adaptation: Special Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Cambridge University Press.

[6] Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), 2018. The state of agricultural commodity markets 2018: Agricultural Trade, Climate Change and Food Security. Technical Report. FAO. URL http://www.fao.org/3/I9542EN/i9542en.pdf .

[7] Glen, J.J., 1987. Mathematical models in farm planning: a survey. Oper. Res. 35 (5), 641–666. doi: 10.1287/opre.35.5.641 .

[8] Gurobi Optimization, LLC, 2020. Gurobi optimizer reference manual. URL http://www.gurobi.com .

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[10] Wilhelm, M.E., Stuber, M.D., 2020. EAGO.jl: Easy advanced global optimization in Julia. Optim. Methods Softw. doi: 10.1080/10556788.2020.1786566 .